Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Area p 
Sub Terrain Land 
Type cover 
n Vmin Vmax VMean o[m] [m] 
Lidar DTM (5m) vs. Nextmap | hilly 
DTM (46-61m) 
11484 |-1.55 |0.32 -0.38 10.30 0.48 
Lidar DTM (5m) vs. Nextmap | Flat 
DTM (49-53m) 
2166 -1.14 10.04 |-041 |0.1 0.46 
Table 4. Lidar compared to Nextmap DTM (selected areas) 
: Terrain Land 
Sub Area Comparison Type rana n Ymin Vois: Vues lem] E. 
Aerial DSM vs. Nextmap | hilly ; 11484 10.01 t A Z 
DSM (46-61m) crops -10. 1.094 |-0.31 |0.44 | 0.54 
Aerial DSM vs. Nextmap | hilly Tm 
l DTMS (46-611) crops 11484 |-0.97 0.54 -0.07 10.20 10.21 
Aerial DSM vs. Nextmap | Flat 
2 3 2 ^7 
2 DSM (49-53m) crops 2166 1.38 0.99 0.23 |0.37 [043 
Aerial DSM vs. Nextmap | Flat i 
2 DTM (49-53m) Crops 2166 -0.54 0.37 -0.00 {0.17 (0.17 
Table 5. Aerial photography compared to Nextmap DTM (selected areas) 
The areas chosen for validation in Shrewsbury and Worcester 
cover a flood plain of the River Severn with some relief of 
about 60m above the river. It also contains a variety of land 
cover types, including bare ground, crops, woodland and built 
up suburban areas. 
The main conclusions are as follows: 
e The vertical accuracy of the Nextmap data varies according 
to the type of the terrain where the comparison is made, 
and in particular the land cover. For example, it is known 
that forest and dense urban areas significantly decrease 
vertical accuracies of Digital Elevation Models. In general 
it can be stated that the mean surface of the Nextmap data 
is higher than the reference data. This is expected because 
of the size of the Nextmap footprint, and the general effect 
of vegetation in IfSAR measurements. The elevation 
measured for any IfSAR DSM sample (square footprint 
somewhat larger than the 5m DSM sample distance) result 
from a combined signal of scattering objects. Thus, raised 
objects such as trees and hedges located in the sample area, 
contribute to the elevation value measured. 
e When comparing the Nextmap DSM with 
photogrammetric checkpoints, which were measured in 
open terrain, a mean difference in elevation of -0.61m and 
an rmse of £0.83m were observed. 
* The best accuracy of the Nextmap DTM is obtained over 
an open field, which is interpreted as bare earth, where a 
mean difference between the Nextmap and aerial 
photography was —0.001m and the rmse was +0.17m 
(Nextmap higher). 
* The Nextmap and Lidar surfaces are in good agreement, 
overall. Over a cropped area the Nextmap DSM had a 
mean difference of —0.61m and a rmse of £0.77m, from the 
Lidar DSM. Over the whole area the Nextmap DTM was - 
0.22m difference with a rmse of £1.01m, from the Lidar 
e The GPS profiles along the roads show good agreement 
with the Nextmap DTM data when the effects of trees and 
hedges have been removed. 
The evaluation of the Nextmap Great Britain data reveals a 
number of characteristics of the IfSAR and LiDAR data, and of 
the filtering techniques, which are general to this type of data. 
[t also reveals unexplained differences which need further study. 
The validation of any DEM is clearly very important. This 
however can be quite difficult and expensive when the precision 
of the product is so high, and interpolation is necessary in the 
process. Some operators have high confidence in their product 
and do not consider validation necessary. The quality of the 
positioning can be checked from the GPS record. The normal 
procedures for validation include the use of reference data such 
as check points located as targets or points on open surfaces, 
reference DEMs or profiles. Checks can also be made for 
consistency and for outliers, and correlations can be 
investigated between the data and vegetation or slope. Where 
the point density is high enough, targets provide an very good 
validation surface for LIDAR. The Highways Agency (HA) in 
the UK specifies that boards, 1.2m x 1.2m, centred over a co- 
ordinated point and accurately levelled must be used. The HA 
requires a point density of 7 — 10 points per m°, and thus about 
10 points are expected to fall on the board, allowing significant 
statistics to be generated. An illustration is shown in figure 6. 
For IfSAR this is not usually appropriate but traditional corner 
reflectors can be used. Because of the footprint size of IfSAR 
comparisons over large areas or profiles are better suited. 
Kinematic GPS profiles along roads have proved to be very 
useful for checking both LiDAR and IfSAR. Examples are 
given in Morley et al (2000) for the Landmap project and 
Dowman and Fischer (2003) for Nextmap UK. 

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