Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Semi-Permanent’ Ground Marker 
Survey using DGPS 
‘Accuracy verification’ 
Figure 6. Specification of the UK Highways Agency control 
panels with location along the highway indicated. 
There is a clear separation between the costs and the 
applications of airborne LiDAR and IfSAR.  LiDAR is 
generally high cost and high accuracy, and suited to covering 
small areas. IfSAR is less accuracy but can cover large areas 
very economically. Mercer (personal communication) quotes 
costs of about $5 per km? for the IfSAR data of Nextmap 
Britain and about $500 per km? for Airborne LiDAR. Wulder 
(2003) quotes Canadian $1900 per km? for LiDAR with 30cm 
posting. Some of the shortcomings of IfSAR can be overcome 
at additional cost. For example problems with occlusions can 
be solved if an area is flown from two look directions. 
There are some important points to consider when looking at the 
accuracy of products: 
* The product must be fit for purpose with suitable 
accuracy and point density 
* The data must fit to other data - very important with 
web delivery to non specialist users 
* Accuracy must be specified 
As LiDAR becomes more widely used, it becomes more 
essential that data can be easily read by standard mapping 
systems, and passed between users. This implies a need for 
standards and interoperability. 
In the USA a standard has been established for the formatting 
of LiDAR data (http://www.lasformat.org/). The LAS format 
has been accepted by the American Society for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) and is being widely used This 
has also been incorporated into the Highways Agency 
Specification for LiDAR in the UK. In the USA, FEMA 
(2000) has a standard specification for LIDAR and ASPRS are 
developing a handbook of operational LIDAR Mapping. ISO 
19130 TC 211 "Geographic information / geomatics" project 
team of "Sensor and data models for imagery and gridded data" 
has published a Committee Draft of an ISO standard for 
photogrammetry and remote sensing but this does not include 
sensor models for LIDAR and SAR. 
It is important that these initiatives are carried forward; this is 
an opportunity to define standards for a new sensor and new 
products at an early stage in their development. 
Spaceborne IfSAR is more established as a source of DEMs that 
is airborne. The ESA ERS Tandem mission has acquired very 
wide coverage of interferometric SAR pairs and this is much 
used for the generation of regional DEMs. For example the 
Radarmap of Germany produced by DLR (Kosmann et al, 1994) 
and the Landmap project in UK (Morley et al, 2000). The 
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) has also produced 
DEMs and orthoimages between 60° North and 56° South. In 
addition RadarSat, JERS, and ENVISAT all produce 
interferometric data and in the future RadarSat 2 and ALOS 
PALSAR will join the ranks of IfSAR data generators. IfSAR 
has also had an important application in differential mode for 
monitoring tectonic movement and subsidence. 
With the exception of SRTM, satellite IfSAR uses repeat pass 
data, and this can suffer from the problem of poor coherence 
and atmospheric effects, which degrade the data and can cause 
gaps in the DEM. SRTM also suffers from problems, 
particularly layover in mountainous areas, and the SRTM 
dataset does contain some gaps. 
The accuracy of IfSAR DEMs from spaceborne platforms varies 
significantly, depending on the coherence, itself dependent on 
the interval between acquisition of the two images and stability 
of the weather and atmosphere, and the terrain. 
Data fusion exploits the synergy of two or more data sets to 
create a new data set which is greater that the sum of the parts. 
The ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
(Vol 58(1-2), 2003), published a theme issue on multi-source 
data fusion for urban areas which clearly demonstrates the range 
and importance of data fusion. Data fusion can be used for 
many applications. Some of the established ones are: 
* Assisting phase unwrapping 
* Eliminating errors and blunders 
e — Atmospheric correction 
* Providing orientation in areas where there is no 
e Terrestrial images to LIDAR 
e Feature extraction, such as buildings and roads 
* Other aspects of feature extraction and environmental 
analysis (see ISPRS Journal 58(1-2)). 
Some examples of how DEM data from LiDAR or IfSAR can 
be combined with other imagery or map data for feature 
extraction are given in section 13.5. Honikel (2002) shows how 
ERS If SAR and SPOT DEMs can be fused and develops a 
theory for this; Csanyi and Toth (2003) also discuss the 
theoretical aspects of merging IfSAR and LiDAR data. 
SRTM provides another interesting case study. Because SRTM 
provides a near global data set which is geocoded with accuracy 
which is better than any other comparable global DEM, it can 
be used to give initial orientation for higher accuracy data and 
be used to assist with phase unwrapping and atmospheric 
LiDAR and IfSAR are relatively new products and it is 
therefore necessary to overcome the reluctance of users to make 
use of the 
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