Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 7. Detail plot from LiDAR and digital photo. 
13.5 Combining data for feature extraction 
LiDAR is very important for feature extraction and has been 
widely used with other data sources for this purpose. Haala & 
Brenner (19993) have demonstrated the combination of LIDAR 
data with multispectral aerial images for the automatic 
classification of buildings and trees. Haala and Brenner (1999b) 
have also shown automatic 3D building reconstruction in a 
system which combines 2D GIS data and LiDAR. Based on 
given outlines of the respective buildings which were integrated 
with dense surface data from airborne LIDAR measurements, 
virtual city models were created for an extensive number of test 
sites using this software. Sohn and Dowman (2004) have 
combined low density LiDAR with high resolution satellite 
sensors to extract buildings. Dell'Acqua et al, (2003) have 
combined LiDAR with IfSAR in urban areas. The paper shows 
that it is possible to exploit LIDAR DEM to improve to some 
extent the two- and three-dimensional representation of 
buildings extracted from IfSAR data. The method helps in 
recovering building displacement and distortion due to the side- 
looking nature of radar. This is shown in figure 8. 
Figure 8. 3D characteristic of buildings from IfDSAR and 
LiDAR. After Dell'Acqua et al, (2003). 
It can be seen that LIDAR and IfSAR are important new sources 
of data for generating geospatial products. They have opened 
up new markets by filling gapes which could not be filled by 
aerial photography or optical satellite imagery. It can also be 
seen that LIDAR and IfSAR are themselves complementary, 
and also complementary to other sources of data. It has been 
shown that IfSAR is more economical for wide area coverage, 
provides an intensity image, which can be orthorectified, a 
coherence image and multifrequency and multipolarised data 
which can give more information about the land cover than 
hitherto possible. LiDAR on the other hand gives a high 
density cloud of 3D points which can accurately define both 
elevation and plan position. There are however a number of 
restriction on wider use of LiDAR and IfSAR and open 
questions on their future development. 
Although LiDAR has the potential for application in building 
extraction and 3D city modelling, automatic feature extraction 
is still not mature and therefore the output is unreliable, and 
manual editing is very expensive. | LiDAR is also very 
expensive for small areas. Wider use of LiDAR may therefore 
have to wait until better feature extraction algorithms are 
available. New airborne technologies such as 3 line optical 
sensors could also compete with LiDAR when they become 
more mature and can acquire data with higher resolution than at 
present. Three line data avoids occlusions and adds redundancy 
to the data set. Multi sensor data could also do this. The use of 
a digital camera with LIDAR is already commonplace, but a 
good model for reconstruction and error analysis is needed. In 
order to inspire confidence in the data better theoretical models 
are required, both for single sensors, and for data fusion, in 
order that the errors can be better understood. Potential errors 
such as multipath and transparency effects also need to be 
studied much more. More comparative tests, especially with 
different algorithms, need to be carried out, although this is now 
happening through ISPRS (Vosselman and Sithole, 2003) and 
EuroSDR (http://www.oeepe.org/2002/index.htm), for example. 
IfSAR could also benefit from comparative testing and the 
establishment of international test sites would be beneficial. 
CEOS and EuroSDR could contribute to this. 
A better understanding of the quality measures and error 
statistics, and development of understandable uncertainty 
measures would also be beneficial. Organisation such as USGS 
and Ordnance Survey are establishing good practice in this area 
by showing heritage and uncertainty in their data; this should be 
encouraged, and their methods publicised. 
A number of clear trends have been identified. These include 
more accurate, higher density data, new applications and the 
development of new algorithms. High density LIDAR point 
clouds mean that buildings can be better extracted, and details 
of highway surfaces and infrastructures can be surveyed more 
The main developments in progress are in the area of [{SAR, 
particularly the development of multi frequency, multi polarised 
SAR. The ESA spaceborne ENVISAT mission is already 
operating the ASAR sensor and other mission such as the 
Japanese ALOS PALSAR will be launched shortly. Satellite 
SAR resolution is being improved, as is the positional and 
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