Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

The DNM gives a representation of height information of 
non-terrain objects, including high vegetation, buildings and 
other objects, relative to the bare Earth surface. The DNM 
represents all these aboveground objects upon a flat reference 
plane. Figure 5 shows a profile in the DNM along the same 
diagonal line as shown in Figure 4. 
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Profile Graph 
Figure 5. Profile diagonal of DNM 
3.3.2 Digitization of Building Footprints: Without the 
bi-return range data, it is impossible to reliably separate the 
vegetation and buildings in the DNM automatically. Therefore, 
Those buildings within the IHS are digitized manually on the 
DOQ. There are total 1,120 building footprints created, and 533 
larger polygons representing residential areas. In residential 
areas, one polygon covers several houses because the heights of 
houses do not change rapidly. According to NIMA's 
specification, from DNM, the highest point inside the building 
footprint is chosen as the roof top. Figure 6 shows all digitized 
buildings and residential areas exaggerated by 5 times. 
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Figure 6. Digitized buildings and residential areas 
3.3.3 VHM Generation: The VHM is created by deleting all 
the buildings and residential areas from the DNM. First, the 
layers of buildings and residential areas are converted from 
features in vector format to grids, and are then deleted from the 
DNM. The VHM is composed of those grid cells with heights 
larger than 0.3 m. 
3.3.4 Recovery of Valuable High Points: Outliers are 
measured sample points that have very high or very low values 
relative to the values in a dataset. In the first step of DTM 
generation, most of removed outliers are correct, such as points 
reflected by birds, but some valuable points are actually false 
alarms incorrectly removed. By comparing the photo image 
with the output of first filtered data carefully, two important 
towers are found: one is the FAA control tower and another is 
the general tower. The recovery of these two towers is to get 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Z-value from raw lidar data by using the elevation of the 
highest point within a 100-m diameter circle centering in the 
footprint of towers. Figure 7 shows the two recovered towers. 
Figure 7. Recovered towers from filtered data 
3.3.8 Geometric Correction: As the extent of OIS is much 
larger than the one of airfield photo image, a topological paper 
map is scanned and used as background for the full scene of 
OIS. In order to overlap well, the scanned map needs geometric 
correction, image to image registration. This means two images 
of like geometry and of the same geographic area are 
positioned coincident with respect to one another so that 
corresponding elements of the same ground area appear in the 
same place on the registered images (Chen and Lee, 1992). 
Here, the digital photo image of Santa Barbara Airport is 
assigned as reference map and its spatial coordinates was input 
to the scanned map. Five ground control points (GCPs) are 
being selected to register the scanned map to the rectified base 
photo image. To obtain an optimum effect, all GCPs are located 
at road intersections with distinct points, and their RMS error is 
0.563 m, this means the two maps matched very well (see 
Figure 8). The left part is the topographical map, and the right 
is the aerial image. All major roads are exactly aligned. To get a 
smoother image without stair-stepped effect and high spatial 
accuracy, the bilinear interpolation is used to resample the 
geo-referenced map. 
Figure 8. Geometricallv corrected image 
3.4 Create the Airport Glide Path and OIS Surfaces 
According to NIMA Airfield Initiative Document, airport glide 
paths and seven OIS surfaces are created. Figures 9 & 10 shows 
these OIS surfaces in 2-D and 3-D. respectively. To avoid 
airport incursion, the features within the SVTW, including 
roads, railroads, bridges, rivers and ponds, are also digitized. 
LR Mobi 

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