Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
of no less than 3. 
The weights in Eq. 1 can be approximated by dividing the sum 
of values at that row by the total sum (i.e., the shaded cell in 
Table 3). Saaty (1980) determined the weights using the 
analytic hierarchy process, which makes a series of pair-wise 
comparisons to determine the relative importance and ensures 
consistency between all the factors in a multi-criteria evaluation. 
In Table 3, a pair-wise comparison matrix is constructed, where 
each factor is compared with the other factor, relative to its 
importance, on a scale from 1 to 9. The empirical values about 
the comparative importance between every two factors are 
shown in Table 3. The weights are obtained by scaling the 
principal eigenvector of the matrix, that is, (0.13, 0.23, 0.05, 
0.59). For example, the mountain summits sited at the 
northwest corner are about 1700 m from the HIS and protrude 
the C/OHATS (see Figure 10b). Their risk index is equal to 
2.09 as calculated using Eq. | with weights substituted. 
Risk Row 
R, R; Ry R4 Weight 
factors sum 
Rı | H2 3 1/5 4,70 0.14 
R2 2 1 5 1/3 8.33 0.26 
R; 3 1/3 1 1/9 1.65 0.05 
R4 5 3 9 | 18.00 0.35 
Sum 32.68 1.00 
Table 3. Comparison of the relative importance of factors 
Saaty (1980) calculates a consistency ratio (CR) to check the 
probability that the ratings are randomly generated. The CR is 
defined by Eq. 2, where X4, is the principal eigenvalue of the 
matrix; n is the number of factors. A matrix with the CR value 
greater than 0.1 should be re-evaluated, and the process is 
repeated until the CR is less than this threshold. The CR is 
0.0123 for the matrix in Table 3. 
CR = Paras E n) / (n E 1) (2) 
A risk level for each obstruction is assessed, and a part of the 
risk-rating map is shown in Figure 11. The high-risk 
obstructions pose a severe threat to aircrafts and should be 
removed to conform to the AID. The median-risk obstructions 
may be kept, but should be inspected periodically. 
Figure 11. Obstructions risk-rating map 
By combining lidar data processing techniques with 
photogrammetric mapping services, new toolsets help airfield 
monitors solve problems and make decisions. In this paper, we 
present an approach for identifying airfield obstructions 
according to the new safety requirements in the Airfield 
Initiative Document published by NIMA. The obstructions 
include all kinds of physical features, and airport manager can 
directly select all the dangerous obstructions from the 
risk-rating mapping results. Next, we will setup an automatic 
model on the OIS creation and object extraction. This will meet 
the extremely urgent requirements of obstruction identification 
from 7,200 airports in the US and an undetermined number of 
airports, worldwide. 
Burrough, P, McDonnell, R.A, 1998. Principles of 
Geographical Information Systems. Oxford University Press. 
Chen, L., Lee, L., 1992. Progressive Generation of Control 
Frameworks for Image Registration. Photogrammetric 
Engineering & Remote Sensing, 58(12): 1321-1328. 
Hu, Y., Tao, V., 2004a. Lidar Expert: a toolkit for information 
extraction from airborne lidar data. Proc. of the ASPRS Annual 
Conference, 23-28 May, Denver, 9 p. 
Hu, Y., Tao, V., 2004b. Hierarchical recovery of digital terrain 
models from single and multiple returns lidar data. Proc. of the 
ASPRS Annual Conference, 23-28 May, Denver, 12 p. 
Jensen, J.R., 1996. Introductory Image Processing: A Remote 
Sensing Perspective. Prentice Hall, 156 p. 
Lo, C.P., Yeung, AK.W., 2002. Concepts and Techniques of 
Geographic Information System. Prentice Hall, 152 p. 
Michael N.D., 2000. Fundamentals of Geographic Information 
Systems (2nd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 
Morain, S.A., 2001. Remote Sensing for Transportation Safety, 
Hazards, and Disaster Assessment. Urban Geoinformatics, 
16-19 October, Wuhan, 6 p. 
National Imagery Mapping Agency (NIMA), 2001. Airfield 
Initiative Document, 50 p. URL: 
Saaty, T.L., 1980. The Analytical Hierarchy Process: Planning, 
Priority Setting, Resource Allocation. McGraw-Hill 
International Book Co., New York, 287 p. 
TRB, 2002. Airfield inactive remote sensing technologies 
evaluation project. Remote Sensing Conference, December 
2002, 8 p. 
The authors would appreciate great assistance from Dr. Richard 
Watson, Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC), University of 
New Mexico, for providing Santa Barbara Airport datasets. The 
project is partially supported by US DOT/DASH consortium. 
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