Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 1. Applying rule-based classifier based on PCA. 
Applying more features could improve the performance of Yength width DL! ho hs m4 intl int dine) "ined 
PCA-based classification. Since our latest dataset also contains 3 a7 33 05 29 0.25.0 à 
; T ; an 1,33 Q.9. 1,1. 3,2. Idi 87,9. 59, 2 7 
intensity values, our next idea was to use them as additional 
parameters. Comparing the dataset with spatial coordinates and 5,72 a IRC) ROME na to Tm 
the one with X, Y and intensity values, it can be clearly seen 
8,18 1, 0,9 i 2 14 55,1 8,1 81,1 5,0 
how the vehicles differ from the road surface (Figure 2). 
oo ai 
Figure 2. Elevation (red) and intensity (blue) road map 
Supposedly, different vehicle categories produce different 
reflection intensity. For example, an MPV or light truck has 
very steep rear window (if any), hence the rear sections of the 
car theoretically reflect more points, or points with higher 
intensity values, so does a lorry or an eighteen-wheeler. 
We stored the intensity values associated with the segmented 
vehicles in a database management system. The input matrix 
previously contained the following parameters: length, width 
and four mean height values (hl-h4) along the vehicle. In the 
next approach, the input matrix is extended with four further 
columns corresponding to the four mean intensity values (intl- 
Int4), sec Table 1. 
Table 1. The structure of the input matrix 
As opposed to the striking positive results of the PCA method 
which is based on geometric parameters, the enhanced 
algorithm did not result in good distinguished categories: the 
deviation between the intensity values turned out to be too 
Our next approach is also based on geometric parameters of 
vehicles, this method uses height values and the length/width of 
the vehicle, and its objective is deriving the shape, i.e., the 
profile of the vehicle. 
The dataset used as training data for the PCA was acquired over 
Route 35 (Dayton, OH). In order to investigate the effect of the 
point density, we used a dataset obtained in Toronto (in 2004) 
for our shape and profile investigations (Table 2). The dataset 
collected in Ohio has relatively modest point density. but, still 
we could apply it for classification purposes. However. the data 
from Toronto had a higher point density that we were able to 
use for developing a refined technique. 

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