Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Abdullatif Alharthy', James Bethel?, Edward M. Mikhail? 
'College of Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, P.O. Box 555, Makkah, Saudi Arabia 
2 School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 
alharthy@uqu.edu.sa, bethel@ecn.purdue.edu, mikhail@ecn.purdue.edu 
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, Adjustment, Calibration, Prediction, Error, Accuracy, Performance, Quality 
Airborne laser scanning technology is impressive in its capability of collecting a tremendous number of points in a very short time 
and providing a reasonable depiction of complex objects in the scanned areas. So far it has been used in a wide range of applications 
with promising results. Since it is in a very early stage of development, users are still trying to determine the best ways to collect 
and analyze the data. The quality of any final product naturally depends on the original data and methods of generating it. Thus the 
quality of the data should be verified before assessing any of its products. The work described in this paper is aimed at a quantitative 
accuracy evaluation of the laser data itself. This is an area that has been under-emphasized in much published work on the 
applications of airborne laser scanning data. The evaluation is done by field surveying, including triangulation and leveling. The 
results will address both the planimetric as well as the height accuracy of the laser data. 
With the recent increase in the scope of laser altimetry 
applications, there is a need for more studies to be conducted 
on the data quality assessment and on means of improving data 
quality. Generally, as documented in many LIDAR system 
vendors' specifications, the accuracy of individual data points 
is about 5-15cm in height and about 30-50cm in planimetry. 
However, those values might be degraded if the data collection 
is carried out in less than ideal conditions (Baltsavias, 1999). 
This paper outlines the work that has been done to assess and 
quantify the quality of the laser scanning data that was 
collected over Purdue University campus in spring 2001 and 
used in this research. As an introduction, major sources of 
errors in laser data are briefly discussed. Then a detailed 
description of the data will be given. Relative accuracy among 
the collected data strips will be examined. The absolute 
accuracy procedure and results are also presented. The 
procedure starts by selecting an appropriate area with some 
specific characteristics, as will be discussed later, to conduct a 
ground topographical survey as a reference for the assessment. 
Collecting ground points was done using both GPS and typical 
ground survey methods. A detailed analysis of the laser data 
over that same area was performed. The results will include 
both the planimetric as well as the height accuracy of the laser 
There are many sources of error and uncertainty that affect the 
quality of the laser scanning data. They vary in their influence, 
in the resulting error magnitudes, and in the way they should be 
corrected or avoided. The resulting errors are an outcome of the 
laser ranging computation, the scanning system, topography, 
the atmosphere, positioning and navigation systems, and system 
integration factors. Some of the major sources will be discussed 
in brief with the way they should be treated to eliminate or at 
least minimize their effects. 
2.1 Laser unit and scanning system 
The misalignment between the sent and the received pulse is 
one of the error sources in range computation and point 
positioning. Also the error in coincidence between the platform 
coordinate system origin and the mirror center is another type 
of misalignment error. This kind of error is correctable through 
calibration (Morin and El-sheimy, 2002). Return signal 
detection, range bin quantization, and the inaccuracies in the 
pulse travel time measurement are another source of error in 
range computation. These errors cannot be eliminated totally 
but can be minimized by increasing the time resolution and 
improving the synchronization between the clock and the laser 
2.2 Topography and atmosphere 
Many examples can be cited under this category, only the 
major ones will be mentioned. Vegetation and other objects 
occluding the terrain introduce systematic error since they do 
not represent the real terrain surface. Rough terrain and steep 
slopes can generate artifacts in height measurements especially 
with large footprints since the elevation error depends on the 
slope angle and the planimetric position. This error will be 
more severe when the flight direction is parallel to the slope 
contour. On the other hand, error in height due to slope is less 
affected if the flight direction is in the direction of the gradient 
(Schenk, 1999). Another type of error in terrain can be 
generated when the laser pulse hits the side of a vertical object, 
which yields a misleading profile. The return signal amplitude 
also plays a role in data accuracy. Some gaps in the data might 
be produced if the returned pulse cannot be detected due to its 
weakness. Specular reflections may also produce regions of 
missing data. Uncompensated atmospheric conditions (air 
pressure, temperature, and humidity) may also influence the 
accuracy. Those errors are not correctable in a rigorous sense 
but some of their values can be estimated by interpolation and 
others can be minimized through careful mission planning and 
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