Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

. Istanbul 2004 
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1it Subsystem. 
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and the C# 
Zoom In, Zoom 
functions. Data 
'H) parcel maps, 
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oarcel number, 
parcel, size and 
are saved in a 
S Laboratory at 
was carried out 
o, in early July 
inÜs parcel, the 
'ordinates of the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
parcel, which were (XXX422 m, XXX2966 m) in the UTM 
coordinate subsystem. Then, the PDA was connected to the 
server through a wireless network. The coordinates were input 
into the query interface and submitted to the server with a 
request for parcel and structure information. The server located 
the parcel that contained the given coordinates and transferred 
to the PDA a parcel map with the structure overlaid (Figure 
11a) Detailed information about the structure can also be 
displayed (Figure 11b). Several additional parcels were tested 
with functions such as real-time database updating and on-site 
visual verification of the criteria checked previously in the 
office (Figure 12). 
p Erosion 
| Yea: feo 73; 
|: Official Conments 
f Misuelzaton - i r8 Dua Browse - = 
i ed Stil, Ï Osho pha 1 Stature A 7 ZR 
|. I, Proposed Stucture T Qitho photo Number i | 
I". Show Fog F7 Current Shoreline. i i 
i ! ~ i T2 Pr N Ad dele 
ir nes F7 PuciPope pied sese] mdi mni en] 
Figure 9. 3D Visualization and Evaluation Tool of the 
Coastal Structure Permit Subsystem. 
view Tools 4 4| c3 Ca & E3|- 
Figure 10. Interface of the Mobile Spatial Subsystem. 
Qageesteosa ^ we 
2 Address: 
"uc rms 
vd 38-ERI-27 
Designer: [Matrix Engineering, Inc. 
| view Tools à 4o 3 B= view Tools 4 4 c3 Ca t] E 
(a) (b) 
Figure 11. Query Example of the Mobile Spatial Subsystem. 
Internet Explorer *»£1044 £3] 
The structure is within the property boundary — 
a Within 
O Not Within 
The structure seems not to be flanked by 
® Flanked A" 
Q Not Flanked 
The shoaling limits the structure usage. 
® Lirnits 
— - 
C Y naes nat limit I 
«T " I I» 
view Tools & -£) c Coa €) = 
Figure 12. Criteria Checking and Updating for Site Visit. 
This paper demonstrates an integrated system using wireless 
technology, Internet-based GIS, and mobile mapping in coastal 
management and decision making. The system consists of three 
components: a shoreline erosion awareness subsystem, a 
coastal structure permit subsystem, and an on-site mobile 
spatial information subsystem. The developed technology can 
greatly support all parties involved in coastal management for 
decision making including coastal residents, local communities, 
and state government agencies. When integrated, spatial 
information and relevant technologies can be utilized to 
improve the efficiency of coastal management activities and to 
make more objective decisions in, for example, the permit 
approval process. Although our system has been developed and 
tested along the southern Lake Erie coast of Ohio, it can be 
adapted and employed in other coastal areas. 
This research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation 
Digital Government Program. Cooperation with John Watkins, 
Justin Reinhart, and Don Guy of the Ohio Department of 
Natural Resources is gratefully acknowledged. 
Ali, T., 2003. New Methods for Positional Quality Assessment 
and Change Analysis of Shoreline Features. Ph.D. Dissertation. 
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 142 p. 
Carter, C.H. and D.E. Guy, Jr., 1980. Lake Erie Shore Erosion 
and Flooding, Erie and Sandusky Counties, Ohio: Setting, 
Processes and Recession Rates from 1877 to 1973. Ohio 
Division of Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 
115, 130 p. 
Grejner-Brzezinska, D.A., R. Li, N. Haala and C. Toth, 2004. 
From Mobile Mapping to Telegeoinformatics: Paradigm Shift 
in Spatial Data Acquisition, Processing and Management. 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 70(2), pp. 
Highman, T.A., 1997. A Study of Soil Joints in Relation to 
Bluff Erosion along Lake Erie Shoreline, Northeast Ohio. Kent, 
OH. Kent State University. 

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