Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

anbul 2004 
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nous areas 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Test Nub. Of Min/Max Mean | Standard 
Areas Points deviation 
Flat 442525 -18,776 / 58.369 S 756 8,732 
Flat 259488 -16,800 / 35.512 3133 7,537 
Flat 159600 -31,121 / 65.109 17,888 16,955 
Flat 73369 -8,155 / 18.853 4,101 3,485 
Slope 101592 | -37.509 / 135 586 | 24.580 18.813 
Slope 101592 |] -62.112/137.722 | 30.785"] "28.164 
Slope 117196 | -37.509/135.857 | 37.406 | 21.089 
Slope 108724 | -37.509 / 135.857 | 42.962 | 24.536 
Rough 190350 | -82.079/ 273.138 | 67.910 | 47.264 
Rough 190350 | -116.527 / 237,497 | 19.340 | 35.326 
Rough 190350 | -232.174 / 172.750 | 2.489 41.679 
Rough 190350 | -158.581 / 256.810 | 69.867 | 57.341 
Table 3. Minimum/maximum errors, mean and standard 
deviations of chosen test areas in different 
Elevation accuracy is decreasing dramatically especially for 
rough areas with high altitudes. For smaller slopes (up to 6°) 
better (significant) results can be obtained since the radiometric 
disparities between Fland F5 images of stereo pairs are small 
due to their high resolution. According to the evaluation of the 
two of the extracted radargrammetric DEMs (i.e., 2L and 4M 
solutions) our results revealed that 2L solution is better for flat 
and moderately sloped areas. However for high altitudes larger 
deviations, which can be accepted as gross errors, are observed. 
On the other hand, using 4M-detailed DEM, better elevations 
are calculated for high altitudes whereas inferior elevations are 
calculated for flat areas. 
As a result of imaging geometry of radar, elevation accuracy is 
strongly related to the relief type and slope. Execution of DEM 
from SAR imagery is a dilficult task due to the characteristics 
of SAR imagery and conflicting requirement of stereo DEM 
extraction. SAR images respond very strongly to the terrain 
slope. Radiomatically, slopes facing the sensor are very bright 
duc to the direct reflection, while slopes facing away from the 
sensor are dark. Geometrically, mountain peaks are shifted 
towards the sensor, causing foreshortening of the slopes facing 
the sensor and stretching of slopes facing away from sensor. In 
extreme cases tops of mountains are imaged before bottoms and 
back slopes are completely shadowed. Automatic DEM 
derivation based on image matching requires that the same area 
looks similar in two images of the stereo pair. Radiometric 
disparities and geometric distortions of SAR images may cause 
too large differences between images for a successful matching. 
In addition to strong radiometric terrain induced distortions, 
SAR images are corrupted by random speckle noise. The noise 
may cause spurious matches that forces the use of relatively 
large templates for matching and also decreases the sharpness 
of the determined peaks. All these factors contribute to the 
lower quality of SAR DEMs (PCI, 2001). In this research 
RADARSAT fine beam images offer separations (convergence 
angle) 8°. Due to the high resolution of FI-F5 images, for the 
flat areas with small slopes (0% to 3%) effect of radiometric 
and geometric disparities are less and the quality of DEM is 
better. It is determined that standard deviation is ranging from 
4m to 8m for small slopes. Standard deviation increases up to 
20 m for medium slopes (396-15 9$). However, for steep slopes 
(higher than 15%) the stronger geometry of F1-F5 is completely 
cancelled out because of too large geometric disparities, and 
calculated elevations are not significant. In the research area 
there is a linear relation between orthometric heights and 
extracted stereo DEM. The major characteristic of the research 
area is that slope increases as altitude increases. This nature of 
the relief causes significant deviations for calculated elevations 
of rolling topography of the research area. Consequently, for 
flat and small slopes difference value of stereo and topographic 
DEMs gives better information about land use types than the 
terrains with strong slopes on high altitudes. 
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Automated DEM Extraction Using RADARSAT ScanSAR 
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SAR Stereo Technique with RADARSAT Images Over Seoul 
Area. Korean Journal of RS, 17 (2) pp.155-164. 
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Toutin, Th., 1995. Generating DEM from stereo images with a 
photogrammetric approach: examples with VIR and SAR data. 
EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing 
Toutin, Th., 1995a. DEM Generation with Photogrammetric 
Approach: Examples with VIR ve SAR. FARSeL Journal of 
Advances in RS, 4 (2), pp 1 10-117 
Toutin, Th., 1995b. Multisource Data Fusion with An Intgrated 
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RADARSAT images in high relief areas. /EEE Trans. on 
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We would like to thank TUBITAK for funding this research. 

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