Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

nternational Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Co-registered DInSAR 
Phase unwrapping 
on sparse data 
and coherence to 
weight transform 
: Maps of the 
the observations p 
Weight of the 
Unwrapped DInSAR 
Model estimation 
- Stepwise linear deformation 
- Topographic component 
- Weighted least squares 
velocity field(s) 
Error analysis 
Data interpretation 
Figure 2: Scheme of the LS adjustment procedure based on multiple interferograms. 
Q,,, is usually temporally correlated, while the atmospheric 
effects are supposed to be uncorrelated in time. A specific 
strategy can be implemented dealing with small-scale 
deformations, when a priori information on the subsidence area 
is available, see Crosetto et al. (2002). 
The main features of the DInSAR estimation procedure 
employed in this work are briefly summarized below. The 
implemented model includes for each pixel the DEM error and 
a stepwise linear function to describe the temporal evolution of 
the deformation. The unknown parameters are computed by LS 
adjustment. A scheme of the procedure is shown in Figure 2. 
The procedure supports the classical data snooping proposed by 
Baarda (1968), useful to detect the unwrapping-related errors. 
The outputs of the procedure include the compensated velocity 
fields, the corresponding quality maps (with the standard 
deviations of the velocities), and the maps of the residuals. It 
must be noted that in the so-called screening analysis, which is 
based on a reduced set of images, usually only one velocity 
field is estimated: different intervals can be considered in the 
subsequent in-depth analysis based on larger datasets. The 
residuals are used to check the errors associated with the 
unwrapped interferograms (i.e. the input observations), like the 
unwrapping-related errors, the atmospheric effects, etc. In order 
to improve the estimates of the compensated velocity fields, the 
procedure can be run iteratively, by re-weighting the 
observations or eliminating some of them. 
2.3 Geometric aspects 
The DInSAR technique requires an accurate geometric model 
to connect the SAR image space to the object space. This 
geometric model is required in two key processing stages: the 
computation of d , based on a DEM of the imaged 
Topo Sim 
scene, which involves the object-to-image transformation, and 
the geocoding of the DInSAR products, which is based on the 
image-to-object transformation. In our procedure we have 
implemented a rigorous SAR model that connects the image 
coordinates of a given pixel, azimuth and range (az, rg), to the 
object space coordinates P(X,Y.Z) with three equations: 
T=T, +AT -(az-1) (3) 
MP=R,+AR-(rg-1) (4) 
Em RR T 
MP- Vy 2-4: MP- EM (5) 
where (3) provides the time of acquisition T of a given image 
point (az, rg); (4) and (5) are the two basic SAR mapping 
equations, namely the range and Doppler equations. These 
equations include important parameters like the first line 
acquisition time To, the azimuth pixel size AT, the near slant 
range R,, the range pixel size AR, the master velocity vector 
Vy, the radar wavelength A, and the Doppler frequency of the 
master image fr y. These parameters are usually known with 
an inadequate accuracy. Their direct use in the model may 
result in important distortions in the transformations between 
the image and object spaces. In order to get an accurate 
geometric model, the model parameters have to be refined by 
LS adjustment using ground control points (GCPs). The 
original implementation of the calibration worked with one 
image at the time. The procedure is now extended in order to 
fuse data coming from multiple images, e.g. ascending and 
descending SAR images. The multiple adjustment allows 
reducing the number of required GCPs using tie points, in full 
analogy with the photogrammetric procedures. After the LS 
calibration, the residuals on the GCPs are typically of the order 
of one pixel: using a $-look azimuth compression this 
corresponds to about 20 m on the ground, see e.g. Crosetto et 
al. (2003). It is worth mentioning that other SAR calibration 
strategies can be implemented. One of the most interesting 
approaches only requires as input a DEM of the scene. The 
calibration of T, and R, is achieved by image correlation of the 
given SAR image and a synthetic amplitude image simulated 
from the DEM. This approach is implemented in different 
softwares, e.g. the DIAPASON software developed by the 
French CNES. 
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Figure 3: 
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