International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
Wavelet transforms have been suggested as an analysis tool for
the analysis of SAR images (Barbarossa and Parodi 1995). In
such a framework the wavelet approach maps high frequency
features. In this paper. a wavelet approach is proposed that -
detects and describes texture and pattern (hereafter referred to
as structural features) in a simple SAR image; simple in the
sense that the land cover classified only contains two types of
vegetation. A neural network is then used to classify the image
based upon six components as measured directly from the SAR
and those derived by wavelet decomposition.
SAR data was obtained from the shuttle imaging radar
experiment C (SIR-C). This SAR has multi-frequency and
multi-polarization capabilities. Available frequencies were X
(3.0 cm), C (5.8 cm) and, L (23.5 cm) and obtainable
polarization combinations were HH, HV, VV and VH with 17 x
25m pixel resolution. The SAR image in Figure 1 is taken over
the settlement of Pishan in Pei Shan county located in the
southwest of Xin Jiang, northwest China. It is juxtaposed
between the southern edge of the Takilimakan desert and the
northern extent of the Kulun mountain range.
Figure 1. A community of poplar trees (‘white’ lattice)
interspersed by bushes (varying colours from cyan
to turquoisc) and surrounding background located in
Pishan in Pei Shan county in the south-west of Xin
Jiang, north-west China.
The original image was subset to a smaller one with dimensions
of 224 by 224 pixels with three layers of polarization
combinations L-HH, L-HV and C-HV. Figure 1 therefore shows
the radar image as composed of three microwave wavelength
data, the colours based on different frequencies and
polarizations. Image display colour were assigned as follows:
red is the L-band horizontally transmitted, horizontally received,
L-HH(R): green is the L-band horizontally transmitted,
vertically received, L-HV(G); and blue is the C-band
horizontally transmitted and vertically received, C-HV(B). A
visual interpretation of the image is indicative of a grid. Indeed
a grid of poplar trees with bushes in-between supplanted the
original ground cover on the existing alluvial fans. This pattern
and alignment was constructed so as to provide windbreaks for
the settlements downwind. The ground coverage is therefore
fairly simple and internally homogeneous.
The 2D Wavelet Transform
The discussion begins with the definition of the orthonormal
wavelet (Chui 1992): let L^ (0, 270) represent the set of all
measurable functions defined from (0, 2 7t) that satisfy
Ir (x) dx < ® . It is assumed the functions in L^ (0, 2m)
are expanded periodically into the real line IR = (- %, * oo), that
is: f(x) = fx m 2x) are satisfied at each x. Let Y have
unit length, then
(o 2 (2 !x— k) (1)
Equation 1 is referred to as the orthonormal wavelet.
Where v. ! is the canonical orthonormal basis of L’(IR), that
1S 7, e = $ e S and V f € 1^ (IR). so that,
f(x) = Yo. vs (x) in which:
; N2 NI 2
lim eb Y. X Cor ul.eo
MILNLM2.N2- j2-M2 k--MI
The orthonormal wavelet whose rank is j has a degenerate
matrix from rank 0 to rank j. This nature in the wavelet w(x)
has the advantage of an improved ability in edge detection in
digital images — in this case SAR. At the same time, (x)
can also detect the peak signal at multi-resolution.
The orthonormal wavelet whose rank is j has a degenerate
matrix from rank O to rank j. This nature in the wavelet ¥ (x)
has the advantage of an improved ability in edge detection in
digital images - in this case SAR. At the same time, 7^ (x)
can also detect the peak signal at multi-resolution.
There are a number of ways to accomplish wavelet
decomposition of a 2-dimensional (2D) digital image. For the
purposes of this research the Stéphanne Mallat pyramid
algorithm (Mallat 1989) was adopted as follows: let # represent
the H, operator (i.e. high pass filter), G represent the G,
operator (i.e. low pass filter), subscripts r and ¢ represent row
and column respectively and j is defined as before, then:
CU NC (2)
di" zG HC 3)
d j*12
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