Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Currently, a typical geospatial knowledge discovery process has 
the following steps: 
I. Find a real-world problem to solve; 
2. Develop/modify a hypothesis/model based on the problem; 
3. Implement the model or develop an analysis procedure at 
local computer systems and determine the data 
4. Search, find, and order the data from data providers 
5. Preprocess the data into a ready-to-analyze form. The 
preprocessing typically includes reprojection, reformatting, 
subsetting, subsampling, geometric/radiometric correction, 
etc (Geo-assembly) so that multi-source data can be co- 
6. Execute the model/analysis procedure to obtain the results 
7. Analyze and validate the results; 
8. Repeat steps 2-7 until the problem is solved. 
Because of the multidisciplinary nature, geospatial data from 
data centers are very diverse. In many cases, the temporal and 
spatial coverages and resolution, origination, format, and map 
projections are incompatible. Data users spend considerable 
time on assembling the data and information into a ready-to- 
analyze form for the geocomputation step, even when the 
analysis is very simple. If datasets the user requests are not 
ready available at data centers, the geospatial information 
system cannot make the datasets for the user on-demand even if 
the process to make such datasets is very simple. Users have to 
spend considerable amount of time to order and process the raw 
data to produce the data products they need in the analysis. It is 
estimated that more than 50% of users’ time is spent on the 
geoquery and geo-assembly steps of the geospatial knowledge 
discovery (Di and McDonald, 1999). 
The above mode of operations in geospatial knowledge 
discovery assumes that the data will be acquired and input into 
the local computer systems for analysis. The user has to have 
local analysis hardware, software, and expertise in order to use 
the multi-source geospatial data for knowledge discovery and 
applications. The mode also requires significant human 
involvement in handling the data transactions because the 
analysis systems in the users' sites are normally the standalone 
systems and are incapable of interoperating with data systems at 
data centers. We call this type of mode of operations the 
"everything-locally-owned-and-operated (ELOO)" mode. In the 
past several decades, the geospatial research and applications 
have been all based on the ELOO mode. But this mode has 
significant problems: 
l. Difficulty. to access the huge volume of multi-source 
geospatial data. The process for a general user from 
ordering to actually obtaining the data usually takes weeks. 
Therefore, many applications requiring real or near-real 
time data can only be conducted by very few users who 
have access to real data sources. 
. Difficulty to integrate the multiple-source data from 
multiple data providers. Because users cannot get the data 
in uscr-specified form, they need to spend a lot of time and 
resources to pre-process the data into a ready-to-analyze 
3. Lack of enough knowledge to deal with geospatial data. 
Because of the diversity of geospatial data, expert 
knowledge in the data manipulation and information 
technology is needed to handle such data. Not all users 
have such knowledge. In fact, many geospatial research 
and application projects have to hire geospatial experts to 
manipulate the data and operate the analysis systems. 
However, many potential geospatial users don’t have such 
4. Lack of enough resources to analyze the data. Many of 
current geospatial research and application projects require 
handling multi-terabytes of data. In order to conduct such 
projects, users have to buy expensive high-performance 
hardware and specialized software. In many cases, those 
resources are only purchased for a specific project and 
when the project is finished, the resources will be set idle. 
Because of the above problems, applying geospatial data to 
solve the scientific and social problems is a very expensive 
business and only few users can afford such luxury. This is the 
major reason that although geospatial information and 
knowledge have vital scientific and social value, they are not 
used as wide as possible in our society. 
In reality, what most users want is the geospatial information 
and knowledge that are ready to be used in their specific 
applications, rather than the raw data. However, current 
geospatial information systems are incapable of providing 
ready-to-use user-specific geospatial information and 
knowledge to broad user communities. 
In order for geospatial information to become the mainstream 
information that everyone can use at will, geospatial 
information systems have to be able to provide the ready-to-use 
information that fits the individual users’ needs. That means an 
ideal geospatial information system must be able to deal 
automatically with the distributed nature of geospatial data 
repositories and fully automate steps 2-6 of the geospatial 
knowledge discovery. The system has to be intelligent enough 
so that it can understand the description of the geospatial 
problem provided by the general users, ideally in nature 
languages, form the problem solving procedure/model 
automatically, figure out where the data is located and how to 
access them on line, run the procedure/model against the data 
without human interferences, and present the result back to 
users in human understandable forms. If such a system can be 
built, users only need to describe the geospatial problem 
accurately and examine the results. A problem that requires 
several months of experts’ time to solve at present maybe only 
needs minutes or seconds to solve within such a system. Even if 
we cannot make such a system reality in next few years, the 
recent development in the service oriented architecture (SOA) 
and geospatial interoperability standards, as well as the advance 
in computer hardware and network makes the construction of 
geospatial information systems, which are much more capable 
than today’s ones, possible in next few years. Such systems can 
fully automate steps 3-6 of geospatial knowledge discovery. 
Even with such a system, scientists and engineers can focus 
more on the creative process of hypothesis generation and 
knowledge synthesis rather than spending huge amount of time 
on those tedious data preparing tasks. The system will also 
greatly facilitate the construction of complex geocomputation 
services and modeling. 
One of hot research topics in the E-business world is to enable 
the interoperable business services at the network environment. 
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