Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
services available over the Internet. However, it is impossible 
for individual standalone services to meet all service 
requirements of many users. However, such information 
requests could be met by dynamically chaining multiple 
services provided by single and multiple service providers. The 
service-oriented architecture (SOA) recognizes this and tries to 
construct a distributed, dynamic, flexible, and re-configurable 
service system over Internet that can meet many different users’ 
information requirements. 
The key component in the service-oriented architecture is 
services. A service is a well-defined set of actions. It is self- 
contained, stateless, and does not depend on the state of other 
services. Stateless means that each time a consumer interacts 
with a service, an action is performed. After the results of the 
service invocation have been returned, the action is finished. 
There is no assumption that subsequent invocations are 
associated with prior ones. In the service-oriented architecture, 
the description of a service is essentially a description of the 
messages that are exchanged between the consumer and the 
service. Standard-based individual services can be chained 
together to solve complex tasks. The basic operations in SOA 
include publish, find, bind, and chain (Figure 1). 
2. Find I. Publish 
Figure 1. The basic service operations 
There are three types of key actors in SOA, including the 
providers who provide specific services over the Internet, the 
requesters (users) who request information services, and the 
brokers who help the requestors to find the right services. When 
à service provider sets up a service over the Internet and wants 
users to use his service, he needs to publish the service 
descriptions to a broker (eg, a registry, catalog or 
clearinghouse). When a requestor requests a service, the 
requestors and service brokers need to collaborate to find the 
right services. Service requestors describe the kinds of services 
they’re looking for to the broker and the broker delivers the 
results that match the request back to the requestor. After the 
right service is found, a service requestor and a service provider 
negotiate as appropriate so the requestor can access and invoke 
services of the provider (bind). In many cases, a sequence of 
services must be bound together to produce the user-desired 
results (chain). 
The SOA can be implemented at many different network 
environments. The major two include the Web and the Grid. 
The implementation of SOA in the web environment is called 
Web services. Web services are self-contained, self-describing, 
modular applications that can be published, located, and 
dynamically invoked across the Web. Web services perform 
functions, which can be anything from simple requests to 
complicated business processes. Once a Web service is 
deployed, other applications (and other Web services) can 
discover and invoke the deployed service. The real power of 
web services relies on 
* Everyone on the Internet can set up a web service to 
provide service to anyone who wants—many services will 
be available. 
e The standard-based services can be chained together 
dynamically to solve complicated tasks — Just in-time 
The Grid is a rapid developing technology originally motivated 
and supported from sciences and engineering requiring high- 
end computing, for sharing geographically distributed high-end 
computing resources (Foster et al. 2002, 2001; Foster and 
Kesselman, 1999). The vision of the Grid is to enable resource 
sharing and coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi- 
institutional virtual organizations (Foster et al, 2001). It 
provides on-demand, ubiquitous access to computing, data, and 
services and constructs new capabilities dynamically and 
transparently from distributed services. The key for the Grid 
success is the open source middleware called Globus Toolkit 
(Foster and Kesselman, 1998; Globus 2004). It has become a de 
facto standard for all major Grid implementations. The 
implementation of services in Grid environment is called the 
Grid services. 
The latest major version of Globus is Globus 3.0, which 
implemented the Open Grid Service Architecture (Foster et al., 
2002). The fundamental concepts of services in the Grid are the 
same as the Web services. However, they do have differences. 
A Web service can be invoked by any requestors over the Web 
while a Grid service can only be invoked by the requestors 
within the virtual organization. The web service practices also 
have been extended in Grid to accommodate the additional 
requirements of Grid services, including 
e  Stateful interactions between consumers and services 
e Exposure of a web service's "publicly visible state" 
e Access to (possibly large amounts of) identifiable data 
e Service lifetime management 
Currently the Grid and Web communities are converging 
through the Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF) (GGF, 
In order for SOA to work, interoperability standards related to 
all aspects of service operations are needed. The major 
international bodies setting the web service standards are 
World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C, 2004) and Organization 
for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards 
(OASIS, 2004) while the body setting the Grid service 
standards is the Global Grid Forum (GGF, 2004). The major 
standards related to services are shown in Figure 2. 

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