Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Mr. Suen Lee and Prof. Yang Gao 
Department of Geomatics Engineering 
The University of Calgary 
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N IN4 
sulee@ucalgary.ca; gao(@geomatics.ucalgary.ca 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Internet/Web, Management, Data Mining, Web based, Tracking 
In recent years, the convergence of location, information management and communication technologies have created an emerging 
market known as location-based service (LBS). LBS is a critical enabling technology using location as a filter to extract relevant 
information to provide value-added services. Mobile Asset Management System (MAMS) is one such service and has been rapidly 
gaining attention from corporations and individuals. A MAMS offers timely and relevant information necessary for informed 
decisions on efficient asset management, increasing productivity, profitability, safety and security. Despite there being a diverse 
array of potential applications, all MAMS share common elements such as data collection from remote assets, wireless 
communication for transmitting data from the assets to a central office back-end for storage, and software application to provide 
services to interested users. If these elements are recreated for every new MAMS, as is generally the case today, then significant time 
and resources will be wasted through duplication. Trving to tie the heterogeneous components into a MAMS has been a challenge 
for LBS developers. To overcome these obstacles, technologies that provide the common elements and fundamental functions have 
been investigated and developed at The University of Calgary. Heterogeneous components such as sensors, wireless networks and 
databases have been integrated into a single Development Platform which can become a foundation and is an innovative solution to 
numerous and diverse MAMS system development and for other LBS applications. By featuring an object-oriented, extensible and 
modular architecture, developers can choose the functions from the platform to use in their applications, extend or customize other 
functions and add their own specialized software applications when necessary. Technical details of the platform will be described 
along with field test results in applications to vehicle tracking for safety and security monitoring. 
1.1] Background 
Advances in widespread, robust and inexpensive location and 
wireless communication technologies have resulted in an 
explosion of activities in the field of Location Based Services 
(LBS). Timely and relevant information enables informed 
decision-making and offers improvements for productivity, 
safety and security. One particular form of LBS, known as 
Mobile Asset Management System (MAMS) has garnered 
significant interest from corporations desiring more efficient 
methods in managing their asset fleets. Other promising 
applications include personal vehicle monitoring and security 
systems. To be an effective tool, à MAMS must be capable of 
aiding or performing operational decision-making. It must be 
able to differentiate between dissimilar assets, seamlessly 
handle spatial and non-spatial data. It must be capable of 
collecting and storing information from the field and process 
the data to and from numerous databases for data retricval, 
editing, analysis, presentation and decision-making functions. 
The impetus for LBS came out of the demands of the United 
State's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for 
cellular operators to be able to provide the position of any 
cellular devices operating on their network to public emergency 
services, accurate to within 125 meters, as part of their 
Enhanced 911 program  [Prasad, 2001][FCC, 2003]. 
Technologies developed for accurate positioning via cellular 
network or phone to provide emergency locations can also be 
used for new and innovative applications. Devices integrating 
wireless and positioning capabilities could be attached to 
vehicles and assets for monitoring. Mining operations utilize 
numerous and varied assets spread over a wide work area in 
their operations and would greatly benefit from the deployment 
of an effective MAMS into their operation. They could also be 
used by consumers to determine nearby points of interests or 
receive relevant information, using location-aware cellular 
phones or other wireless devices. For these reasons, along with 
expectations of rapid growth [Prasad, 2001], LBS has received 
significant attention from industry, users and providers. 
1.2 Development Platform 
In this paper, a location aware Development Platform in 
support of MAMS and other LBS applications will be 
presented. This Platform helps augment MAMS development 
by providing critical functionality required in a MAMS type 
applications, allowing developers to reuse these functionality 
and maximize their time and resources on the unique aspects of 
their applications. The intent is to have a platform that can 
become an engine for LBS development. While MAMS is the 
primary application for the Platform, it will remain flexible 
enough so that it could also be extended to other LBS activities 
in the future. This Platform will offer important low-level 
functions that developers can utilize as an important foundation 
for their enterprise MAMS applications and feature an open 
architecture, so that it can be utilized by third parties. À system 
developed with the Platform will also be presented along with 
field and simulated testing results. 
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