Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Statusbar and Map components are part of the View, as they 
help present information and processing results to the user. 
For the Web Client, all of the user accessible tools appear to be 
part of the Toolbar, at least as seen from the user's point of 
view. However, the implementations of these functions are 
actually in the Parent Shell. The Toolbar is only used to 
activate the proper functions in the Parent Map. The tools that 
have been created include typical GIS-type functions for map 
viewing and manipulation as well as for viewing and querying 
spatial and non-spatial information. These functions interface 
with the Data Module and retrieve data from it. Another 
category of functions are used for asset control, which sends 
user-issued commands to the Relay Server. The type of control 
functions. available vary depending on the asset and the 
configuration of the onboard remote sensor but typically 
include positioning, tracking and safety and security related 
controls. The current configuration of the remote sensor and 
asset combination is part of the information stored into the 
database dedicated to assets. This database is queried by the 
Web Client to determine which command functions, if any, to 
show to a user when a certain asset is selected. In addition to 
asset information that can be queried using the Web Client, 
spatial information regarding the current address of assets or 
nearby streets can also be queried using the geo-referencing 
tools available in the Web Client. The nearest vector feature to 
a mousé click is determined using a nearest vector feature 
search algorithm. Each vector feature has metadata that 
includes the necessary identification numbers that allow the 
Parent Shell to request extended information regarding the 
While the Web Client can run on numerous platforms, there are 
certain requirements that must be met in order for a computer to 
properly run the Web Client. The primary requirement is that 
the client computer must have a recent Java Virtual Machine 
(JVM) available. A JVM is necessary in order to run the Java 
based Web Client and to provide the built-in Java classes that 
are used by the application, so that the downloaded application 
can be as small as possible. The JVM is also necessary to run 
other Java applications. Fortunately, JVMs are offered by 
numerous providers for multiple platforms and operating 
systems. The version developed by Sun is one of the most 
popular and featured-filled, which is not surprising since Java 
was developed by Sun. It is freely available for download from 
Sun's website and is known as the Java Run-Time Environment 
When a user first accesses the Application Module, the Web 
Client is downloaded onto the user's computer, compiled and 
executed within the Internet browser environment. Once the 
initialization processes are complete, the Web Client is in a 
blank state with no data or parameters stored in the Web 
Clients memory. It must then request an 
parameters from the Application Module back at the Office 
server. This first set of parameters provides important details 
regarding the map and data that would be needed for the rest of 
the client session. It provides the access addresses for the Data 
and Relay Server modules, the coordinate extent of the selected 
map area as well as information regarding other map data 
sources that are available from the Data Modules. 
When a vector data message is received from the Data Module, 
the Parent Shell passes the message to the Map component. The 
contents of a vector data message includes the coordinate extent 
of the new visible area, the vector feature type (polygons, 
initial set of 
polylines, etc.), metadata regarding each distinct vector 
feature's class as well as any assets that are within the visible 
area. The Map decodes the packed vector and asset data into an 
array of coordinates, converting from coordinate space to the 
display space using the coordinate extent of the visible area. 
Each vector feature is drawn onto the display using Java 
provided tools for drawing polygons and polylines. Information 
about assets can be provided in graphical form, by indicating 
the location of assets on the map, or in text and tabular form 
using JSPs to query the Data Module's database for current or 
historical information. 
A unique ability offered by the Platform is the ability for users 
to remotely check on and control assets in real-time. This is 
possible through the integration of the Aeris MicroBurst service 
with CSI Asset-Link sensors. Users can issue a specific 
command through the Web Client to the. Communication 
module. It passes the message onto the Aeris's AS server. Aeris 
then proceeds to deliver the command by paging the onboard 
Asset-Link sensor which then performs the desired operation 
and reports back the success or failure of the operation as well 
as any results that may have occur. An Asset-Link sensor can 
be preprogrammed to perform a series of operations 
automatically based on conditions or triggered manually 
through a page. Operations of use in real-world applications 
include requests for current positions, unlocking doors, arming 
and unarming alarm systems, enabling or disabling engine 
ignition, speed limiters and continuous tracking. The configured 
operation and their numbered command strings are stored into 
the sensor database as the configuration can be unique for 
different sensors and/or asset combinations. For security 
reasons, the actual command strings and sensor identification 
numbers are not shown to users. 
A prototype system, named as iVCAMS3 (Internet-based 
Vehicle Control And Monitoring System for Safety and 
Sccurity), has been developed using the development platform 
at The University of Calgary to monitor and control vehicles for 
safety and security purposes. The main screen can be seen in 
the following figure. 
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Figure 1. iVCAMS3 main screen 
4.1 Field Testing 
Field-testing was conducted to ensure that iVCAMS3 could 
successfully receive messages from Asset-Link equipped assets 
using the MicroBurst network and send commands back. Asset- 
Link sensors were placed onto cars in several cities throughout 
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