Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
information. We need to distinguish geospatial Web services 
from Web services in general because of the special 
characteristics of geospatial data. 
Geospatial data are the data which have spatial components 
(e.g. geo-location or geo-reference). Geospatial data differ 
from the general data such as numbers or characters largely in 
many ways. Geospatial data mostly involve in complex data 
type instead of the simple data type. And also, processing these 
data are much more challenging. In general, geospatial data are 
much more complex and difficult for data users than the general 
data. Using geospatial data usually requires that the users have 
expert knowledge or enough resources and spend a lot of time 
to preprocess the data for further use. For example, NASA has 
archived huge amounts of satellite data in HDF/HDF-EOS 
format because the satellites data are all geospatial. How to use 
these data has been a headache for many scientists and 
researchers since the first day. 
Geospatial Web services, which works with geospatial data, are 
quite different from a general Web service as well. For 
examples, an operation for a geospatial Web service may be 
very complicated and hierarchical while the operation for a 
general business Web service is usually simple and atomic. The 
service discovery, access, binding and chaining for a geospatial 
Web service may also highly differ from a general Web service. 
1.3 Motivation to Build Geospatial Web Service System 
The importance and necessity of building a geospatial Web 
service system that can provide ready-to-use information 
instead of raw data are obvious. Huge amounts of Earth remote 
terabytes data are expected to be collected daily. Those data are 
valuable not only for scientific research but also for other socio- 
economic activities. However, currently most of the data are 
only available to users in raw form. Users need to have both the 
expert knowledge and significant amount of resources to 
process the data into ready-to-use information. This situation 
limits many potential uses of the data by broader user 
communities. For instance, some users do not have enough 
knowledge or resources to use data for their analysis and 
information extraction and lots of valuable data are wasted, and 
sometimes the decision makers need to promptly respond to an 
incident or event, but the time needed to process and analyse 
data is too long to fulfil the task. 
À gcospatial Web service system based on the newly developed 
Web technologies, which allows users to dynamically chain the 
services with services and services with data to produce the 
user-specified products over the Web, may provide a solution 
for those puzzles. We propose to build a prototype geospatial 
Web service system to demonstrate its robust power and 
advantages over traditional non-service based systems for 
reducing the difficulty of using remote sensing data for research 
and applications. 
To design our prototype system, we take the following into our 
major considerations: 
1. The system interoperability 
2. Web services interoperability 
3. The personalization capability 
4. Software reuse 
data have been collected by space agencies, and of 
System evolution capability/capacity 
Our final goal is to provide products tailored to the individual 
user's needs, including selection of spatial or temporal 
coverage, map projection, format, bands etc. and information 
products produced on-demand by executing Web-executable 
geospatial process models. To realize our goal, the system must 
be an open, personalized, standard-based, and interoperable 
system [Di, L & Yang, W, 2002]. 
System interoperability means that the system can access and 
process data and services from multiple resources. Web service 
interoperability means that all geospatial Web services in the 
system must be standards-based and interoperable for coupling 
with data and other services. 
The personalization capability of the system means that users 
will be able to define the geospatial models and service 
composition, use existing services or contribute new services to 
obtain the data and information that exactly match their own 
Software reuse means that all geospatial Web services and 
geospatial models are designed to be dynamically reusable by 
other systems and services through interoperable just-in-time 
integration. All reuse may involve some code modifications. 
The capability for evolution of a system depends largely on the 
system architecture. A system that is component-based with 
each component using standard interfaces, and is modular and 
self-contained, is easy to evolve. We will design the prototype 
Web service system as a component-based system so that the 
system allows self evolution capability/capacity by allowing 
standards-based geospatial Web service modules and geospatial 
models to be plugged in. 
Currently, the prototype gcospatial Web service system to be 
developed here is a modelling and execution system which has 
the capability to access online geospatial data and services, to 
build models (service composites) which chain individual 
standards-based geospatial Web services together and register 
the models in the catalogue and to execute the chain for solving 
complex tasks dynamically and efficiently. Figure 1 is the 
abstract architecture for our prototype system. 
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Figure 1. The Abstract Architecture 

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