International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV. Part B2. Istanbul 2004 |
knowledge tailored their individual needs, rather than only raw |
data that needs further processing. The system demonstrates |
the basic functionalities of catalogue search, service chain |
construction and registration, and chain execution. In the future, |
more functionalities will be added to the system, such as an |
ontology service, automatic service chaining based on user |
request and service type and data type matching. The
development of this prototype system will provide us valuable
experience for developing operational, interoperable,
distributed, standards-compliant and intelligent: Web-based
geospatial information systems.
Di, L., W. Yang, D. Deng, and Ken. McDonald, 2002. REV SC
"Interoperable, Personalized, On-demand Geospatial Data
Access and Services Based on OGC Web Coverage Service
(OWS) Specification", Proceeding of NASA Earth Science | ABSTRA
Technology Conference, CDROM, Pasadena, California.
OGC, 2003. The OGC Web Coverage Services Version 1.0.0. m
Editor, J. Evans. OGC 03-065r6. investigat spaceborn
obtained i
OGC Interoperability Program White Paper, 2001. TLS imae OWSWhitepaper.doc DTM Cof
i accuracy «
W3C note 2004. |
20040211/ |
W3C WD 2004. TR/2004/W D-wsdl20-
20040326/ STARIM/
This research project (Principal Investigator: Dr. Liping Di) is
supported by grants from NASA Earth Science Technology
Office (ESTO), NASA Farth Science Data and Information
System (ESDIS) project, and Open GIS Consortium (OGC).
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