Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
GPS satellites Data control On-Board 
€ GPS Xp» i ERE 
va $t recording unit 
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Flight direction 
Stabilizer à 
Electronics Monitors for sensor operation 
Unit and navigation 
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Stabilizer with ^— ZA 3 
fiberoptic gyroscope’, CCD 
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7/1 / { | \ line sensor 
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backward NIR 
Figure 2. Principle of STARIMAGER 
1) Photo developing and scanning processes are unnecessary 
and there is no image deformation such as damage or 
deterioration on a film. Moreover, since the dynamic range 
of an output image that is linearly proportional to the 
luminance of the image plane is wide, it is possible to 
recover easily even an image part that is in the shade of a 
building, a cloud, and so on by increasing its image intensity, 
which reduces the field survey after data acquisition. 
The ground control points (GCPs) for the orientation can be 
unnecessary, or fewer due to the existence of a GPS/IMU. It 
is therefore suitable for data acquisition at an emergency, on 
the sea, and so on, where GCPs are difficult to get. 
3) Due to a high-performance stabilizer, the original image is 
not waving and has no blurs, thus it is suitable for the image 
at an emergency and the burden for post-processing can be 
reduced (Figure 3). And, the oblique photography that is 
realized by slanting the stabilizer is effective in the texture 
acquisition of building walls. 
A helicopter allows low altitude and low speed operation, 
leading to a high-resolution image. Since the influence of 
field visibility and weather condition is small due to low 
altitude, photography can be done more frequently than 
conventional aerial photography. And, a helicopter can take 
pictures of the linear-shaped objects efficiently by tracking 
them over at a low speed. 
With the TLS principle, an image has very little distortion 
caused by the height of ground objects in the flight direction 
(a line-perspective image as compared with a conventional 
central perspective image), and suitable for less-distorted 
ortho-image generation. One does not need mosaic 
processing in the flight direction and it can get the spatial 
data of linear-shaped objects seamlessly, such as roads, 
railways, rivers, etc. Moreover, the system can get an image 
that 15 redundant and with little loss due to the photography 
in three different directions (three different times), leading 
to fewer field survey burdens after the data acquisition. 
Furthermore, a corresponding point searching in stereo 
matching is easy due to the stereo angles being constant, and 
measurement precision improves by triplet matching 
(Shibasaki, R., 1987). The STARIMAGER sensor system 
also allows multispectral data acquisition and allows 
generating a multispectral image by integrating RGB three 
line sensor images and an NIR image as an index which 
shows vegetation and water in the soil more distinctively 
than a color image only. 
with stabilizer 
without stabilizer 
Figure 3. Stabilizer’s Effect 
2.2 System configuration 
The focal length of the TLS camera lens system is 60 mm, and 
the stereo angles are 17, 23 and 40 degrees between forward 
and nadir, nadir and backward, and forward and backward, 
respectively (see Table 1 for the STARIMAGER SI-250 
specifications). Each line sensor consists of 14,400 CCD pixels 
with 5 um spacing, and acquires 500 line images in a second (2 
msec acquisition interval). The image data is recorded in a 
controlling and recording device that is installed in the 
helicopter cabin. The GPS antenna acquires the camera position 
signal at 5 Hz and the IMU acquires the camera attitude signal 
at 500 Hz. The camera is calibrated in a laboratory as well as 
through a self-calibration process in a test field (Chen, T., 2003). 
The TLS sensor model and triangulation are described in 
(Gruen, A., 2002). 
configuration item | specification 
TLS Camera | CCD Elements pixels/line 14.400 
pixel pitch sum ed 
Number of Sensors 10 (3 directions — with RGB - and NIR) 
Intensity dynamic range ——— © obitsormore 
Lens focal length 60 mm 
Stereo angle : : ERES 17 23 40 etc. 
Number of capturing lines 125, 230. and 500 lines/sec 
Stabilizer Angle resolution in attitude 
Spatial stability 
Maximum angle velocity 30 /sec 
500 Hz 
Data output (acceleration/attitude) 
GPS Receiver | 2f kinematics »lanimetric accuracy 2 crn + 2 ppm 
{post processes! | height accuracy 3 cm +2 ppm 
Data output SHz 
recording speed 
recording capacity 
Recorder HDD recording 
150 MB/sec or more 
320 GB 
Table 1. SI-250 Specifications 
2.3 Applications 
The features of the TLS data are stimulating more demand for 
3-D seamless geographical information of linear-shaped man- 
made objects and terrain with high resolution and efficiency. 
Those objects include roads, bridges, railways, power cables, 
pipelines, etc. for investigation before the construction of those, 
maintenance and management after the construction, and base 
data for a variety of GIS systems (Tsuno, K., 2002). 
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