Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
beforehand. The future work should include efforts for 
performing those processes directly within ImageStation 
software components. 
Certain assumptions are made as to the naming conventions 
used for the images and their associated support files. Two 
methods are supported. First, the base name (less extension) of 
the "info" file for a rectified image and ^psb" file for 
orientation data are contained within the base name of the 
image file (or vice versa). Second, the first N characters of the 
image, info, psb, and optional parallax grid file to reduce y- 
parallax are the same (where N is user-definable on the user- 
interface). The system also requires the images be converted 
into a Z/I Imaging-supported format such as TIFF before 
importing into ImageStation Photogrammetric Manager. This 
includes tiling, adding overviews, transposing, and converting 
to TIFF format. The ImageStation software includes the 
necessary utilities for converting the STARIMAGER raw 
3.3 Processes on ImageStation 
This section describes the dialogs used in the Import 
STARIMAGER Images command (Figure 6). 
& Import STARIMAGER Images 
Input Settings = ee c7 f 0uput Setting: s Ee 
Input Selection vm uud jy" Model Creation Options ; ( Overwrite Options 
|” Import Single STARIMAGER Image {4 1 I” Reverse Order Y^ 
i V T7 BackworbFonward N Ovgrwite Photos 
| | © Import Multiple STARIMAGER Images From Folder Fri | MecWowad 1a F Ovennte M 
You may also Drag and Drop images onto dialog. EE T BackwardsNadir | = 
PERS A Ned Fand hi 
Image: Folder: Extension: | | ; Sax en E 
[AT N = Hr j | Processing Information: 
INFO Folder Extension: | | 
| .] nra i 
| PGF Folder Extension: | | 
ier Ja | 
| PSB Folder Extension: | 
i r E 
| STARIMAGER Camera: Pi 
[Starcam =] TSF Zone: [IV ~] ij 
Create STARIMAGER Camera, | ReadZoneFromPRI. | | | | 
Filename Comparison Method | 7 Sensor Text —-— | { 
ç- Basename ol one contained in ; Fw:|CH1 4 
basename of other 5 {i 
« Compare beginning characters NA O2 Fi 
Humber of Characters: HE Bw} CH3 | 5 
L - : remet nets rel > 
Project Coordinate System 
i Haly Tokyo Slate Plane Coordinate System Deline. 01d Processing Reparl ... | Photos and Models … | 
Import Images ] Close | Help | 
Figure 6. Import STARIMAGER Images Dialog 
Import Single STARIMAGER Image — Select this option if one 
wants to import one image and create one photo. Selecting this 
option toggles the three Folder fields to three File text fields 
where one selects STARIMAGER Image File, INFO File, 
optional Parallax Grid File (PGF), and PSB File. 
Import Multiple STARIMAGER Images From Folder — Select 
this option if one wants to import a folder of images with one 
click. Multiple photos and models are created during the import. 
Selecting this option toggles the three File fields to three Folder 
text fields where one selects STARIMAGER Image Folder, 
INFO Folder, optional PGF folder, and PSB Folder. 
STARIMAGER Image Folder/File — This field toggles between 
Folder and File based on the Input Selection option. When 
toggled to folder, the user provides the input folder containing 
the STARIMAGER Images. When toggled to file the user 
provides the full file path (including the filename itself) of the 
image to be imported. 
INFO Image Folder/File — This field toggles between Folder 
and File based on the Input Selection option. When toggled to 
folder the user provides the input folder containing the 
Orientation Information Files (INFO) of the images to be 
imported. When toggled to file the user provides the full file 
path (including the filename itself) of the associated INFO file 
of the image to be imported. 
Optional PGF Folder/File — This field enables when checked 
and toggle between Folder and File based on the Input Selection 
option. When toggled to folder the user provides the input 
folder containing the Parallax Grid Files (PGF or in some cases 
XYZ extensions) of the images to be imported. When toggled to 
file the user provides the full file path (including the filename 
itself) of the associated PGF file of the image to be imported. 
PSB Image Folder/File — This field toggles between Folder and 
File based on the Input Selection option. When toggled to folder 
the user provides the input folder containing the 
STARIMAGER PSB Support Files (PSB) of the images to be 
imported. When toggled to file the user provides the full file 
path (including the filename itself) of the associated PSB file of 
the image to be imported. 
File/Folder Browse Buttons — These buttons display a simple 
common browse dialog that allows the user to browse the file 
system for the desired file/folder depending on the Input 
File Extension Fields — These fields are enabled when 
importing multiple STARIMAGER images from folders. These 
extensions are used as filters when collecting the list of files in 
the user-defined folders. This allows the user to have different 
extensions for the image, INFO, PGF, and PSB files. This may 
be useful if the user has renamed the files to use an extension of 
their choice instead of the defaults delivered by STARLABO. 
STARIMAGER Camera - This combo box is used to select the 
desired camera from the available list of STARIMAGER 
cameras in the project to associate with the photos created 
during the import of the STARIMAGER Images. If none are 
available and the user attempts to import images an error 
message is displayed informing them to create an 
STARIMAGER camera before attempting to import any images. 
Create STARIMAGER Camera — Select this button to bring up 
the Create STARIMAGER Camera dialog. A STARIMAGER 
camera must be selected before importing images. 
TSP Zone- This dropdown combo box allows the user to 
specify the Tokyo State Plane zone number for the images 
being imported. If the STARLABO project support file (PRJ) 
file is available then the user can select the “Read Zone from 
PRJ” button and let the application automatically determine the 
zone number by reading it from the PRJ file. 
Identifying Text — These fields allow the user to specify the text 
string used to identify to which sensor an image belongs. For 
each of the sensors the user can specify a sub-string that occurs 
somewhere within the base name of the image file being 
imported. For example, if the base name of an image file 
contains the string * CHI" then it is interpreted as a Forward 
sensor image. This information is then used to during model 
creation to create the models selected by the user. This 
information is also needed during the orientation process to 
determine which orientation parameters from the 
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