Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
that it is difficult to distinguish lower types of vegetation 
including grass lands, bare arable land and herbaceous 
vegetation. However, there are other studies which show that 
vegetation height, which can be derived from laser altimetry 
data, can be used as a surrogate for the product of stem density 
and flexural rigidity (Mason, 2003) and thus would be 
sufficient for the water level forecasting model which they use. 
In the Netherlands, it is common practice to derive the 
roughness parameters from vegetation structure classes. 
Rijkswaterstaat employs a list with the hydraulic resistance 
values for about 30 different vegetation structure types which 
normally appear in Dutch riparian forelands (Velzen et al., 
2003). Up to now, these vegetation structure classes are 
manually mapped from aerial stereo-phothographs. This is a 
time consuming and expensive method. Therefore, we are 
investigating the possibility of automatically or semi- 
automatically deriving the vegetation structure classes from 
remote sensing images such as airborne hyperspectral data in 
combination with laser altimetry data. For this purpose we 
investigated the benefit of fusing hyper-spectral data from the 
airborne line-scanner CASI (10 bands ranging from 440 nm up 
to 870 nm, pixel size 2 x 2 m?), acquired in summer 2003, with 
very dense laser altimetry data (30-40 points per m?). The laser 
data was acquired in March of 2003 with the helicopter borne 
FLI-MAP system from Fugro Inpark (see also paragraph 4). 
The test area was the floodplain Gameren along the river Waal 
which comprises about 160 ha. 
Before land use classification a quite labour-intensive geometric 
correction of the CASI data was necessary which has been done 
with the ‘rubbersheeting’ algorithm of ERDAS Imagine. To get 
the vegetation structure classes from the spectral and laser data 
a classification was performed using the software eCognition 
(see fig. 1). It follows the concept that important semantic 
information is not represented in single pixels but in meaningful 
image objects and their mutual relations. Therefore, the image 
classification is based on image segments rather than individual 
pixels. In a first step, the software extracts homogeneous image 
segments in any chosen resolution which are subsequently 
classified by means of fuzzy logic. 
As input layers we chose all 10 CASI bands, a NDVI-layer 
(NDVI = Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) which was 
computed from the red and nearby infrared band, the unfiltered 
laser heights and a band comprising maximal height differences 
input layers 
classified image 
for hydraulic 
laser CTI 
data E classification 
Figure 1. Principal of vegetation classification with eCognition 
based on spectral and laser altimetry data. 
of laser points within one pixel indicating the vegetation height. 
All data were resampled to 1.5 x 1.5 m^ pixel size. 
After segmentation into small segments, a top down tree 
structure approach (hierarchical network) for classification was 
pursued. First, two main classes (“land” and “‘water”) were 
distinguished. These two classes were further subdivided into 
more detailed classes, c.g. the class “land” was subdivided into 
the classes “vegetation”, “bare soil” and “shadow” and the class 
"water" into "water-plants/duckweed" and “water without 
plants”. Totally, 15 classes have been distinguished. The 
classification was done by a combination of a standard 
supervised Maximum Likelihood classification and rules 
(constraints) translated into membership functions. Ecognition 
also allows using shape parameters of the segments for 
classification, but up to now we did not use this option. The 
overall classification accuracy unfortunately has not vet been 
quantified, but is estimated to be around 70-80%. A thorough 
evaluation of the achieved results still has to be done. However, 
it is already apperent that the combination of spectral and height 
data is very promising, especially for distinguishing the lower 
vegetation structure classes which seemed to be difficult with 
laser altimetry alone (Asselman, 2002). 
For construction works in the floodplains, such as dyke 
displacements and lowering parts of the floodplains in order to 
give the river more space for discharging especially with high- 
water conditions, detailed and precise DEM’s are required for 
soil volume determination. The volume of the soil which have 
to be moved or digged up is an essential parameter for the 
contracts with the construction firms. In addition, DEM’s are 
measured after termination of the work (so called ‘end 
models’). Currently these DEM’s are measured with tachymetry 
or GPS with about 140 points per ha. The question was whether 
laser altimetry could be an alternative with regard to quality and 
Volumes can be calculated by multiplying the mean height with 
the concerned area: volume = length x width x height. see fig. 
2. Thus the precision of the volume is closely related to the 
precision of the mean height of an area. Therefore. the effect of 
for example laser scanner point noise can be neglected. The 
volume precision also depends on how much soil has to be 
digged up or moved, the so-called digging depth (h). A 
maximal volume error of 5% is requested. This yields for the 
precision of the mean height: 
204 <(h/100)-5 or 6, < (h/100)-(5/2). 
Tabel | shows the required precision for the mean height as 
function of the digging depth. 
1 2 3 4 
GO, [em] < 2.5 5 7.5 10 
Tabel 1. Required precision of the mean height depending on 
the digging depth. 
digging depth [m] 
The determination of the mean height precision of an area 
acquired with laser altimetry is based on error propagation of 
four error components with different amplitudes and spatial 
resolutions. This is described in detail in (Crombaghs et al., 
2002). With increasing area size, the precision of the mean 
height decreases because then more error components are 
averaged. Our computations showed that the previously 
mentioned FLI-MAP system meets the demand of 2,5 cm height 

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