International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
When images are combined to one larger image The maximum
grey value difference at the seem line has to be specified and
guaranteed by the producer.
If more than one lens system and more than one shutter is used,
the difference between two panchromatic or two multi spectral
cameras has to be less than +/- 5%. That means less than +/- 20 Un
grey values for 12 bit images.
2.4 Test possibilities for the end user
The scanner can be tested very easıly, using defined reference KEY \
cards in case of radiometry.
Glass plates with exactly positioned test structures are used to
test scanners and certify accurate geometry. ABST!
The geometrical accuracy for the overall process, including Many
film based camera and scanner or digital cameras, can be tested Organi
by flying across test fields. These fields contain reference leading
objects with exactly known geometrical positions. The Meetor:
measurement within the images prove the accuracy of the The IS
System. referen
To test the overall process for exactly radiometric results is not toic
so easy to handle, either with film based cameras and with Sade:
digital systems. T pica
If reference cards with defined grey values or colours are used, da S {
you cannot overcome the influence of the air between reference um d
object and camera. Reliable test methods for radiometry are and fil
under investigation.
Most c
the Ext
Diener S., Kiefner M., Dörstel C., 2000. Radiometric
Normalisation and Colour Composite Generation of the DMC,
IAPRS Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam 2000
Fraser, C. Digital camera self-calibration. ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 1997; 52(4):149-159.
+ ; = Today
Hinz, A. ; Dórstel, C, Heier, H., 2000. DIGITAL MODULAR has re:
CAMERA: System Concept and Data Processing Workflow, compre
Proc. IAPRS Vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam, 2000 couple
the IS(
Hinz, A., Dorstel, C, Heier, H., 2001, DMC — The Digital Open
Sensor Technology of Z/I-Imaging, Photogrammetric Week Consor
2001, Eds D. Fritsch / R. Spiller, Wichmann, Heidelberg pp 93 [SO/TC
- 103. includii
Taley, B.B., 1938. Multiple-Lens Aerial Cameras, in Web m
Engineering Applications of Aerial and Terrestrial WiC
Photogrammetry, Pitman Publishing Corporation, New York & standar
Chicago languag
Graham, L., 2001, Workflow Oriented Sensor Management 2. 0l
Systems, ;
Photogrammetric Week 2001, Eds D. Fritsch / R. Spiller, The sec
Wichmann, Heidelberg pp 25 - 33. commi
given i
into acc