Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV. Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
with inaccurate, uncertain and incomplete information.It is 
suitable for spatial data mining based on the uncertainty of 
attributes and provide a new approach for GIS attribute analysis 
and knowledge discovery.In spatial data mining,the application 
of rough set can analyze the importance, uncertainty, 
consistency and dependent index of attributes,study the effect 
of attributes’ dependent index on decision-making, reduce the 
data, attribute table and attributes’ dependent index, discovery 
the relativity of data, evaluate the absolute and relative 
uncertainty of data, and obtain causality in the data, produce 
minimum decision and classification algorithm, etc. 
3.1 Basic conception 
Assume a domain set U of a target,let X c U , and R indicates 
an equivalent relation, When X is the ombination of some basic 
categorieses of R ,then X can be defined by R;otherwise X can 
not be defined by R. The sets which can be defined by R are 
subsets of the domain set, which are called R accurate sets, and 
can be precisely defined in the knowledge base K.On the 
contrary, the sets which can not be defined by R can not be 
defined in the knowledge base, which are called R rough sets. 
Routh set can be described by two accurate sets and a boudery 
Lower Approxmate Set of X on R is definded as: 
Upper Approxmate Set of X on R is definded as: 
R(X)=Y{¥eU/RE»Y1 X =D} 
Boundary Set of X on R is definded as: 
Mm (X)I=R (X)Y-R (X) 
posR(X)=R_(X) is defined as positive domain 
while negR(X)-U-R (X) is defined as negative domain 
32 Knowledge representation, Reduction, and Core 
Knowledge representation is achieved through knowledge 
expression system. Its basic composition are object sets whose 
knowledge is described by the attributes of targets and 
A knowledge representation system can be expressed by 
Sz«U C, DV, F» 
where U is the domain set. 
C U U is attribute set, C —Ííaj, a», ..., ay] is the condition 
attribute set (note should be taken that C contains spatial 
constraint conditions), D ={d,,d>, ..., d,} is the decision 
attribute set, 
V is the field collection composed of CU U, viz. V *UscA V, V, 
is the field of attribute p, /'is an information function, viz. f£. 
U xA4—V, 
Let attribute set: 
B = tb , Das b, K > A j = AE Y. zm V X He X Vis xK x ‘ 
Define the map 7: 
UV, to represent attribute value of field B. 
R upper set of condition set C about domain set U can be 
expressed as: U/R,- 
R upper set of decision set D about domain set U can be 
expressed as: U/R y: 
Define U/R; as the equivalent of a transaction, then U/R is the 
transaction of condition, U/R), is the transaction of decision. 
Then the upper approximate about the condition set for decision 
transaction is: 
C(D,)={C IC, eU/RGCO ^D, «o 
Then the lower approximate about the condition set for decision 
transaction is: 
C (D) = 1 A c, € iJ / RCE cn. } 
Let the two sets G and R, r is an equivalent relation in R, g is an 
equivalent relation in G, if pos ir (G)7 posg(G), Then r in G 
is omissible. 
If no element in R can be omissible, then R is independent. 
Let H < R.H is independent, if pos; (G)= posg(G), then H is 
the reduction of G by R. From the definition, the lower 
approximate of G about H and R is the same, which maintains 
the classification of R and G. The all intersection of the relation 
in R forms the core of R and marked as core(R),viz.core(R)N 
red(R). The attributes in core set is the key factors that affect 
classifation based on R. 
3.3 Dependent index of Decision Transaction 
C; is the condition of U/Rc,and D; is the decision of U/Rp,let 
decision transaction based on condition transaction can be 
mapped as CF;;C;D; and CF, =card" (C;ND)/card(C; , if 
condition transaction C; is belonged in the lower approximate 
C (Dj if decision transaction , CF;=1I;otherwize if condition 
transaction C; is belonged in in U-C(QD) CF. 
4.1 Spatial Object Information Tables 
The knowledge representation system describes the domain set 
as a two-dimentional table in which each row indicates an 
object and each column indicates an attribute.Here,the attributes 
can be divided into condition attribute and decision-maiking 
attribute. In the process of knowledge discovery, condition 
attribute should be reduced first to remove repeated rows,then 
redundant attribute in each decision-making should be 
reduced.To reach the minimum decision rules in application, we 
should select effective attributes to indicates the domain set 
properly or approximately. 
4.2 Minimum rule generation algorithm based on Rough 
Generally, decision-makers have priori knowledge to the weight 
of every condition attribute. The weight is used for weighing 
the relative importance of attribute. In various decision-making, 
the same attributes may have different influence on decision- 
making, namely the weight is sensitivfe to the decision-making 
environment. The dependent index of attribute expresses the 
influence of the attribute on decision rule under present data 
environment, but can not reflect the decision-maker's priori 
knowledge. So, it is a comparatively reasonable method to 
combine them to select effective attribute. The processes are 
describled as follows. 
1. Propose two-dimentional data view, i.e. decision rule table, 
composed of condition attribute and decision attribute in the 
domain set; 
Determine the data classification standard, express the 
attribute values in a standardized way, and remove 
unnecessary attributes; 
If the decision rules of the knowledge expression system are 
exclusive, we can classify it into two sub-tables: one is an 
inclusive decision table; the other is an exclusive decision 
table. The latter is a kind of knowledge which can not be 
extracted from the present information, so we just deal with 
the former. 

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