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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
Li € | C3 | C3 | d
li X 0 0 0
l5 0 X 0 0
ls 0 0 X 0
2, 0 X 1 0
2, 0 1 X 0
3, X 0 1 0
RE 1 0 X 0
4 ] l X |
5i X 2 2 0
5, ] X 2 0
53 1 2 X 0
6, X I 0 0
65 2 X 0 0
7 2 X I 1
8 3 1 X 1
9, X 2 1 0
9, 3 X | 0
93 3 2 X 0
10; X 0 0 0
10, 3 X 0 0
10; 3 0 X 0
Table 4. Expanded spatial information table
It can be seen from Table 4 that decision rules 4, 7 and 8 have
only one reduction form, that decision rules 2, 3 and 6 have two
reduction forms, and that decision rules 1, 5, 9 and 10 have
three reduction forms. Thus,the knowledge expression system
has (1x1x1)x(2x2x2)x(3x3x3x3)=648 reduction forms.
According to the practical and effective principles, the largest
weights of the rules are 1, 25, 3, 4, S5 6; 7, 8, 05, 10;
respectively. Then, we can obtain the reduced practical decision
rule as follows.
c,(0)c (00 Ve ,(0)c»( 1)Vc;(1) e»0)Vc,C1) c(2)Ve,(2) cs(0) Vc,(3)
ca(2)Ve,(3) c2(0) +0
e(1) ed) Ve,(3) cll)Ve(2) st)
Rough Set Theory has been widely used in KD(knowledge
discovery) since it was put forward. Having important
functions in the expression, study, conclusion and etc. of the
uncertain knowledge, it is a powerful tool which sets up the
intelligent decision system. Actually, many knowledge systems
are so rough that they make an obvious delay in the response
time of an Intellectual Processing System by being put into a
knowledge database directly. So, it is necessary to refine the
knowledge which is extracted further. This article discussed
how to express knowledge within an Information System with
conditions-decisions forms in DSS, to get the potentialy
reduced rules of decision-making by using Rough Set, spatial
information tables on the basis of this and combining with
analysis and reasoning with the priori knowledge from
decision-makers, then to obtain a group of reasonable decision-
rule sets by using the practical and effective principles, and
finally to solve the problems of obtaining the decision-rules in
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