Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
For video scripts, types of viewing method, route or filming 
position etc are stored. Figure 6 shows some typical symbols 
representing the registered imagery, and overlaid with 
cartographical maps. 
b) Oblique Imagery 
c) Video - vertical & moving c) Video - oblique & moving 
d) Video — moving on the ground €) video - pan 
f) Video — multiple view g) Video - fixed & vertical 
Figure 6 Examples of symbols representing the spatial 
information of imageries 
Besides the original imagery resources, analytical results such 
as change detection or simulation results are as important for 
decision support. Therefore the proposed system also provides a 
group of functions that include binarization, contour tracing, 
vectorization, and import into GIS. Error allowance for 
vectorization can also be specified according to the requirement 
of precision in the GIS operations that will follow. 
Figure 7 to 9 show a serious of processing results by the above 
functions. Figure 6 shows the original result of change detection, 
proposed by a parallel project group of the author's institute 
(Sakamoto 2001). Figure 7 shows the result of binarization, by 
the specified threshold, Figure 8 the result of contour tracing 
and vectorization, by the specified threshold of error. The small 
circles are the representative point of the vectorized polygon. 
By comparing the degree of overlapping between the changed 
polygons and those of houses, we can easily identify the 
damaged buildings. Figure 10 shows examples of such 
operation by the hashed building polygons. 
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Figure 7 Original result of change detection 
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Figure 8. The result of binarization 
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Figure 9. The result of contour tracing an vectorization 
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