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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
Betore Disaster:
e To take technical, legal, administrational precautions
in order to survive the society with less damage and
: physical loss
e To include disaster damage mitigation studies in all
stages of development in order to stop growing of
present risk and to obtain sustainable development
e To obtain effective and fast preparation
e To carry out effective educational programs that
would help all parts of society to be saved with
minimum damage
During disaster and after the disaster:
e To rescue maximum number of effected people and
heal them
e To create a secure and developed living environment
for the people who are effected by the disaster
e To supply all vital needs of survivors and providing
the daily life to be brought on normal
* To compensate possible economical and social loss as
soon as possible
Disaster and Emergency Management System is an information
system developed in order to handle the studies in a coherent
and trustable way and to reach the perfect data while
application. It consists of Administrative, Geographic and
Decision- Support Information Systems.
2.1 The Aim of the System
AFAYBIS is designed as a minor project of e-Government.
Turkey is situated on an important earthquake zone. (North
Anatolian Fault Line) (Alkis , 2003) Moreover; it faces many
disasters such as floods, fires, avalanches, etc. each year.
Financial and social payback is a big deal for the country. Thus
the importance of the Disaster and Emergency Management
System can not be ignored.
Disaster and Emergency Management System is basically to
benefit modern technology to standardize, organize and manage
the data and information about disaster management. To realize
this, it aims at making it possible to reach the data quickly
during or before a disaster, to create the maps and statistical
information, to present the data in different multi user media
and on internet. To practice all, city of Istanbul is chosen as the
pilot area. The studies in Istanbul, producing standardized data
and converting the cxisting data, are planned to form a
background for the e-government.
2.2 Place of Disaster and Emergency Management System
in e-Government
In a totally electronic governing, all administration, analyses
and decision making studies are realized in e-government.
Disaster and Emergency Management System is the minor
system of e-government which makes it easy to accelerated and
productive decision making. It is the most challenging problem
to organize the Non-governmental organizations, governmental
Institutions and civil people in such an emergency case. The
disaster management information system that is developed to
solve this problem will result in optimum efficiency during
An analysis study is carried out before system design in order to
realize current organizational structure, determine existing and
needed data with data sources.
After the work of analysis, the design of system is divided in
two parts: (i) analysis of data and process, (ii) analysis of
3.1 Recent Situation Analysis:
3.1.1 AFAYBIS Questionnaire
The Institutions related with AFAYBIS are determined and a
questionnaire is arranged to be informed about the condition of
data that is used by these institutions.
* Regulations and law that the institutions are bounded.
* The official responsibilities and duties of the
* Organizational structures, data and standards used by
the institutions at conveying the services
e The relationship and duties of the institution
e Hardware and software used by the institutions
* Existence of the material and equipment
e Existing human resources
e Institutional relation and communication between the
* The existence of the institutions in relation
e Researches on the question whether the institution is
ready for e-government or not (the subject that the
services of the institution are held online or the
possibility for this are researched).
System is designed after the evaluation of the questionnaires
and obtaining the other data needed about the institutions.
3.2 Data and Process Design
In AFAYBIS project, the system is designed by CASE tools
(Computer Aided System Engineering) with a modern view,
appropriate to technological developments; in case of
traditional approaches.
Unified Process (UP), which is known as the most widespread
system design and development methodology in the world
(RUP, 2003) is used for designing AFAYBIS. During this
process, Use Case and UML (Unified Modeling Language) are
used to modeling the design. UML is accepted as the conceptual
modeling language by ISO (ISO/TC 211, 2003).
3.2.1 Determining the Standards
When the questionnaires are evaluated and the GIS’ are
examined, it is observed that there is no common standard for
the data produced in Turkey. Standards are suggested after
examining many institutions and examples in the world.
Unfortunately, it is observed that there are different standards at
especially obtaining the geographical data. This will result in
great problems at developing the AFAYBIS in e-government
project. This problem will cause discordance while trying to
unite e-Turkey with e- Europe. In this study, the standards in