Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
And finally, GA is a general search method (Goldberg, 1989). 
It uses analogs of genetic operators on a population of states in 
a search space to find those states that have high fitness values. 
In optimization problems, genetic operators and coding 
methods are designed in advance so that the individuals may 
satisfy the constraints. In contrast, the objective of constraint 
satisfaction problems (CSPs) is to find an individual that 
satisfied constraints as the fitness value. Search in usual GA, 
based on neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory is conducted by 
crossover and mutation. Crossover is generally considered a 
robust search means. Offspring may inherit partial solutions 
without conflict from their parents, but no information to decide 
which genes are partial solutions is available. From a search- 
strategic point of view this means that variables are randomly 
selected and then values which will be assigned to them are 
also randomly selected from genes contained within a 
population. Therefore search by crossover in GA can not be 
considered efficient. Furthermore, mutation is a random search 
method itself. When we think about efficiency of global search 
that is the most important characteristic of GA; we must admit 
that the rate of search is low, because GA stresses random 
search rather than directional search. It can be considered that 
the above problem is directly inherited from problems of the 
neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory. 
In the following sections, we first explain our basic strategies. 
Next, we describe the fitness function, genetic operators. 
Finally, we show the experimental results using an actual road 
Due to the advantages and disadvantage we mentioned in the 
previous section, we plan to improve the rate of search by 
giving direction to evolution that is search using crossover and 
virus theory of evolution (Nakahara et al., 1986). 
Domain specific knowledge, as partial solutions of problems, is 
usually introduced into an initial population. Partial solutions 
are considered to be viruses, and a population of viruses is 
created as well as a population of individuals. 
Our solution using the GA is based on the following basic 
e Any segment of an arterial road is regarded as a 
main virus. We generate a population of viruses 
in addition to a population of routes. 
e Only routes that include viruses are generated as 
the initial population. If two of the same routes 
are produced in the population, one is removed. 
e Minimal generation gap (MGG) model (Satoh et 
al., 1996; Ono et al., 1999) for alternation of 
generations. Mutation does not occur in the 
proposed method. 
3.1. Problem constraints 
GA has been successfully applied to many NP-hard problems. 
When the problem has hard constraints, some candidate 
solutions are infeasible. This problem is generally addressed in 
three ways: 
e Avoiding infeasible solutions during the search 
e  Penalizing infeasible solutions. 
e  Extracting feasible solutions after carrying out 
the search using populations that may contain 
infeasible candidate solutions. 
The constraints on this particular problem can be grouped into 
the following two categories: 
* Fixed constraints: are always enforced, 
irrespective of the composition of the current 
solution. For example to select arterial and/or 
wide roads to decrease the number of turns and 
so on. 
e Dynamic constraints: are enforced based on the 
composition of the current solution. For 
example, to select the roads where the traffic 
restrictions are not imposed and to select the 
roads not congested with traffic and so on. 
In this stage of the development, our algorithm uses a directed 
graph representation that embeds some static constraints. 
4.1. Algorithm 
Figure.] shows the general steps of the algorithm. Details are 
given in the following sections. 
input map and map database 
input origin and destination 
initialize a population of viruses 
initialize a population of individuals (routes). Set Generation= | 
for generation = 1 to Number of Generation (repeat until 
meeting deadline) { 
calculate fitness values of individuals 
select two individuals at random 
single-point crossover 
Figure 1. Algorithm of the proposed method 
4.2. Coding and fitness 
Repairing infeasible candidate solutions may incur significant 
computational expense, but omitting them from the search 
process may leave the search space disconnected, preventing 
satisfactory optima from being reached. Computationally 
cfficient search can be carried out by choosing a representation 
that implicitly excludes infeasible candidate solutions, without 
hindering the search process from visiting different parts of the 
search space. 
Variable-length chromosomes (routes) and their genes 
(intersections) have been used for encoding the problem. A 
chromosome of the proposed GA consists of sequences of 
positive integers that represent the IDs of nodes through which 
a routing path passes. In the other hand, we regard each route 
from an origin to a destination as an individual for the GA and 
express it as a sequence of intersections with directions. 
The fitness of a route is evaluated using the length of the route, 
the time required for a car to travel along it and the ease of 
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