Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

t B2. Istanbul 2004 
ch the camera must 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
followed by automatic movement of the measurement mark to 
the first of the imaged targets in the selected set of targets. At 
this point, the observer can rapidly make the fine pointing. 
record the image coordinates and is automatically directed to 
the location of the next target image. The auto-location is 
accurate to several pixels for a system of low distortion. After 
all the reduced target list images have been brought forward for 
fine pointing, the observer saves results and moves on to the 
next photograph. 
For processing of the film-based images, the film is first 
scanned and the imaged fiducials are measured, followed by a 
two-dimensional transformation into a fiducial coordinate 
centered system. All subsequent image measurements on this 
frame are transformed accordingly, resulting in photo 
coordinates in a fiducial system but corrected for film 
deformation. Digital image coordinates are measured directly 
from the photo file, then transformed by a rigid-body 
transformation to the photo center, resulting in conventional 
photo image coordinate system. 
Additional input files provide the GPS coordinates of the 
antenna phase center, the survey coordinates of the targets, the 
first approximations to parameters of both interior and exterior 
orientation along with associated variance covariance files for 
weight constraint purposes. 
A right-handed coordinate system and right-handed rotations 
are assumed in all cases. When all images on a given photo are 
measured and transformed to photo coordinates, a final single 
photo resection is computed, resulting in the angles relating the 
photo coordinate system to the ground system of coordinates. 
This transformation of coordinate systems proceeds from the 
object space to the image space. Given the rotation matrix, 
expressing the relationship of ground to camera coordinate 
systems, its inverse is used to transform the photo parallel 
offsets, GPS phase center to camera entrance node, into 
corresponding components in the ground control system. The 
exposure station then is computed by addition of the 
transformed spatial offsets to the phase center coordinates of 
the antenna. 
For any given photo, final processing applies atmospheric 
refraction correction using the Saastamoinen model (1972). The 
final step applies the transformed spatial offsets, antenna phase 
center to camera node, directly to the GPS coordinates for any 
given exposure. Results of this program are data files 
containing refined photo coordinates of targets (lens distortions 
remain) and exterior orientation. 
3.1.2 Camera Calibration Program The calibration program 
titled “Bundle Adjustment with Self Calibration" (BASC) is 
designed to use the files produced by the image measurement 
program (PIC). Additional files used by the program include a 
description of the camera including first approximations to the 
interior orientation, target survey coordinates, and variance 
covariance information for all parameters describing interior 
and exterior orientation, image measurements and target 
The mathematical model used is the SMAC model as defined 
by the USGS, a model that represents focal length correction, 
symmetrical and decentering distortion, and location of the 
principal point. 
In accord with this SMAC model, radial distortion is 
expressed as: (8x, dy) 
8x 2(x— x) (K, * K, + Kr + Ks ra.) 
Sy = (y — Yp) (Ke + Ki P+ r+ Kr Ll) 
Where: x, yp ^ photo coordinates of the principal point 
P= (=x) *(y- yy 
K coefficients representing radial, symmetrical 
The distortion due to decentering of the compound 
objective is expressed as: (Ax, Ay) 
Ax - (I P5 PD) (P, (8° +2 x°)+ 2 P2x y) 
Ay=(1+P,1) (2P,xy + PAT" +2 y°)) 
Where: P coefficients represent decentering distortion 
The corrected photo coordinates are then: 
Xe = X + OX + AX 
Note that the K, represents a scalar term for photo coordinates. 
Accordingly, it accounts for small differences in the chosen 
value of focal length. This permits use of an arbitrary but close 
approximation when using the nominal focal length associated 
with the lens design in the computations. 
3.2 Flight Test Verification 
Flight testing of both digital and film-based cameras was 
conducted concurrently with the development of the software 
programs. This assured that all elements of the calibration 
process could be identified and treated accordingly during 
development of the programs. It also verified that digital 
cameras. even with narrow fields of view, can be 
accommodated by the in situ approach to aerial camera 
calibration. In addition, these flight tests demonstrated the 
contrast in results between a laboratory and in situ form of 
calibration. These differences further justify the need for a 
systems approach to aerial camera calibration. 
3.2.1 Madison Test and Calibration Range The Madison 
Range currently consists of about 100 targets located within a 
1.6 km by 2.6 km region, 50 km west of Columbus, Ohio. 
Target coordinates were measured by GPS methods with 
elevations augmented by spirit leveling. Adjustment results 
indicate that the internal accuracy of the network is better than 
2 cm on each axis and includes the base station, MADI. The 
base station is located a distance of 5 km from the range center 
at the Madison County Airport. The range was constructed and 
is maintained by the Office of Aerial Engineering of the Ohio 

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