Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
project took 4-5 years to complete. Owing to the reasons | 
mapping projects are very important for Saudi Arabia. The 
project presented in this article is very significant for high 
precision mapping, facility management and automating 
mapping. In the office work we got some problems by 
converting the Microstation Geographics *.dgn file into 
Geomedia. The problem was with the Mslink numbers which 
were created by Microstation Geographics as a primary index 
field for graphic features and database. We tranfered the file to KEY W 
Arc View shape format to solve this problem and then we add 
the shape files as a new feature class in Geomedia. As a result ABSTR. 
for RTK survey in Riyadh, our crews had very efficiency Saddled 
product between 7.00 AM and 12.00 PM in the work performed PAN 
in Riyadh according the position of the satellites. After 12.00 use GIS 
PM even some reduce in the quantity of the satellites detected vm 
but survey work could continue till 3.00 pm. After 3.00 pm the in most c 
radio or satellite signals has been completely lost. Radio signal of altern: 
cut off has been detected when crew is 1 km away from the Geograpl 
base station using 1Watt radio modem. Effect on the radio 
signals determined during the work according to the high 
buildings, trees, radio or TV towers, military areas. 
Note : Figures will be given in poster presentation. 

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