Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
and interact with other individuals and/or their 
The main characteristic of agent-based technology 
is that the structure of the software is represented by 
a group of agents who collaborate in achieving the 
goal of the task in hand. Among different types of 
agents, the personal assistant agents are particularly 
interesting to this research. This type of agents 
operates at the user interface level and actively 
assists users by offering information and advice to 
the users (Wasson e/ al., 2001). These agents 
usually apply a kind of intelligent learning 
algorithm so that they can intercept the user input, 
examine it and take actions that are more specific to 
that particular users’ needs at that moment. These 
agents are also called learning or adaptive agents. 
However, the assistant agents are different from the 
conventional autonomous agents in that they may 
not act truly autonomously and their goals must be 
adjusted constantly based on their interception of 
the users’ goals. According to Wasson ef al. (2001), 
the key questions for the design of any assistant 
agent are how to model the users’ intent, how to 
determine the appropriate actions given that intent 
and how to develop an appropriate interface 
between the users and the assistant agents. 
The functions required for the tourist route advice 
system proposed in this research are far too 
complicated for a single agent to accomplish. It 
must rely on the co-operation/collaboration among 
multi-agents, each of which is specialised in solving 
a particular aspect of the complex problem. An 
agent platform, such as the one specified by FIPA- 
OS(FIPA, 2002), provides an infrastructure in 
which agents can be deployed, communicate and 
collaborate to achieve the goal of the tasks. Figure 1 
shows the agent-based architecture of the proposed 
tourist route advice system. 
The user interaction agent takes the responsibility 
for dialoguing with users, i.e., presenting questions 
and information to users and record the users’ 
responses to the system for further analysis. The 
presentation agent determines what information and 
map to be presented to the user based on his current 
position and other information. 
The monitoring agent silently observes the users’ 
spatio-temporal behaviour during a trip. It uses the 
dynamic positioning information of the users’ 
movement to detect the changes of the users’ spatio- 
temporal behaviour. When the change is detected, it 
informs the inference agent for further analysis and 
The user model agent is responsible for establishing, 
maintaining and updating the user profiles for each 
individual user. It updates a user profile when it is 
informed by the inference agent that changes in 
users' interests have occurred. Since the user 
profiles are maintained by the user model agent, the 
only way for the other agents to access the 
information recorded in user profiles is through the 
intermediary of this agent. 
The Inference agent is the kernel of the whole 
system. Based on the information received from the 
user interaction and monitoring agents, the inference 
agent determines the appropriate actions to be taken, 
such as generating a new route, updating the user | 
model, presenting updated information to users 
and/or starting a new dialog sessions for further | 
information when necessary. 
The responsibility of the route agent is to generate 
routes based on the request from the inference 
agent. To do this, it requires the cooperation of the 
spatial agent to perform necessary spatial operations 
and of the user model agent to retrieve the 
information on user profiles. 
The database agent performs all the database 
management tasks, such as retrieving and updating 
the data stored in a GIS and/or Database 
Management System (DBMS). 
The user interaction and monitoring agents operate 
in an active way: they keep acting from the moment 
a tourist starts using the system and reside on the 
user's light-weight mobile devices. The other agents 
act in a more passive way because they are activated 
only by those two agents when necessary and they 
reside on the server side for heavy tasks. 
The personalized tourist route advice system 
developed in this research takes advantages of 
agent-based technology. The personal assistant 
agents resides on the light-weight mobile devices 
and they can proactively communicate with the 
agents on the server that perform heavy tasks such 
as route generation. 
Figure 1 Agent- 
based system 
Monitoring User Presentation 
agent [Interaction agent 
Route User Model 
agent agent 
A A 
Spatial «——», Database ) 
agent agent ) 

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