Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV. Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
activity and control its change accurately is a big problem for 
the architecture and the urban designer. With the 3D city 
models, we can construct the analytical models to simulate the 
airflow activity. 
32 Visual Quality Analvsis of Urban Space 
The visual quality of urban space decide the pleasant degree of 
human's mind which evoked by the vision. In practice, urban 
design concerns with the physical arrangement of the basic 
component that makes up the built environment at the level of 
buildings, streets and landscape details. Therefore, visual 
thinking of space is necessary in the design process. At thc 
same time, the designer should take the user feeling as the 
central point to analyse the location and the relationship of 
different urban element. Visual analysis is no doubt a powerful 
Through the virtual reality presentation of multi-dimensional 
urban models we can carry out the “true” visual analysis that is 
impossible to the traditional 2D GIS. The control of the height, 
the colour and the style of the buildings, the evaluations of the 
surrounding environment of the squares and the streets are also 
available based on the visual impact analysis. 
3.3 Structure Analysis of Urban Space 
The analysis of the distribution of different function parts and 
its proper place are possible through structure analysis of urban 
space. Besides of this, structure analysis can also control the 
change of the urban horizon contour and the building density. 
Optimize the urban space structure is the import content of 
urban morphology. 
Spatial analysis is one of the key features that differentiates GIS 
from other forms of spatial information systems such as spatial- 
databases, computer cartography and computer aided design 
(CAD). *Space syntax models the spatial configurations of 
urban spaces by using a connectivity graph representation. Such 
a configuration of space identifies patterns that can be used to 
study urban structures and human behaviour. Over the past two 
decades, space syntax theory has provided important 
computational support for the development of spatial 
morphological studies, in particular for the analysis of urban 
systems" (Jiang B & Claramuntz C & Klarqvist B, 2000) . 
In china, there are a lot of old cities like Lijiang of 
Southwestern China. They formed with the natural order in a 
long history. The urban space of it is full of life interest. Their 
urban structure has high research worth. To analysis its urban 
space structure can help us improve the space quality of present 
For urban designer, the most significant application based on 
3D city models is the visual analysis. In 3D dynamic virtual 
environment, through the visibility computation according to 
the simulation of human vision and the visual analysis for the 
visible field can make the design process more realistic and 
4.1 Visual Analysis and The Visibility Computation 
Visibility as a term---along with some related terms, such as 
viewshed, visual quality, and visualization is very much evident 
in the literature and practice of landscape planners and 
designers. The visible field with certain eye-level and view- 
angle can be computed, and it is the possible field we can see at 
certain observe point. But what we can see does not equal to 
what we seen. What we see among what is visible may depend 
on the purpose and preconceptions (Stephen Ervin, Carl Steinitz, 
2003) and depend on the weather, the colour and so on. 
Visibility computation is the premise of the visual analysis. Of 
course, the view field we seen is a subset of visible view-field. 
In order to present the visual impact properly for urban design, 
the visible field and the visual scene should be visualized, so 
that the user can extract the visual information themselves and 
implement the evaluation. Multi-mode and real-time dynamic 
presentation is a good choice. 
4.2 Multi-mode and Real-time Dynamic Presentation 
In 3D dynamic environment, people usually can not ascertain 
the right orientation because of the rich visual information. 
However the 2D map can present the real orientation 
efficiently, it is a powerful navigation tool in 3D dynamic 
At the same time, the computed visible view-field should be 
outstanding through the way of giving highlight or different 
colour to the surface of visible object. This is the way we 
present what we can see in 3D environment. 
But how can we present what we have seen? The visual scene 
at special viewpoint, which could change the eye-level and the 
view-angle so that to fit different users, should also be 
supported. The different user can get what they seen through 
the custom-built visual scene. 
The above description gives full presentation for the visual 
analysis environment, and these three presentation modes may 
be viewed in real-time through dynamic link. Here gives an 
example to this kind of presentation as Figure (2, 3, 4) which 
coexist in one interface. Only in this way the visual impact of 
urban space can be fully expressed. In order to implement the 
visual analysis effectively, the 3D city models should be 
editable, and the space attribute of the models like colour, 
texture and so on should be changeable. 
Figure 2 Stuttgart art gallery —plan 
(the red point shows the orientation of observe point) 

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