International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
In this paper, we propose a scalable and visualization-oriented
clustering algorithm for exploratory spatial analysis (CAESA),
in which we adopt the idea of combining DBSCAN and STING.
We built a prototype to demonstrate the feasibility of the
proposed algorithm. Experimental results indicate that our
algorithm is effective and efficient. CAESA needs less region
queries than DBSCAN does, and is more flexible than STING.
In recent years, a number of clustering algorithms for large
databases or data warehouses have been proposed. Basically,
there are four types of clustering algorithms: partitioning
algorithms, hierarchical algorithms, density based algorithms
and grid based algorithms. Partitioning algorithms construct a
partition of a database D of n objects into a set of & clusters,
where & is an input parameter for these algorithms. Hierarchical
algorithms create a hierarchical decomposition is represented
by a dendrogram, a tree that iteratively splits D into smaller
subsets until each subset consists of only one object. In such a
hierarchy, each node of the tree represents a cluster of D. The
dendrogram can either be created from the leaves up to the root
(agglomerative approach) or from the root down to the leaves
(divisive approach) by merging or dividing clusters at each step.
Ester et al. (1996) developed a clustering algorithm DBSCAN
based on a density-based notion of clusters. It is designed to
discover clusters of arbitrary shape. The key idea in DBSCAN
is that for each point of a cluster, the neighborhood of a given
radius has to contain at least a minimum number of points.
DBSCAN can effectively handle the noise points (outliers).
CLIQUE clustering algorithm (Agrawal et al., 1998) identifies
dense clusters in subspace of maximum dimensionality. It
partitions the data space into cells. To approximate the density
of the data points, it counts the number of points in each cell.
The clusters are unions of connected high-density cells with in a
subspace. CLIQUE generates cluster description in the form of
DNF expressions.
Sheikholeslami et al. (1998), using multi-resolution property of
wavelets, proposed the WaveCluster method which partitions
the data space into cells and app lies wavelet transform on them.
Furthermore, WaveCluster can detect arbitrary shape clusters at
different degrees of detail.
Wang et al. (1997, 1999) proposed a statistical information
grid-based method (STING, STING+) for spatial data mining. It
divides the spatial area into rectangular cells using a
hierarchical structure and stores the statistical parameters of all
numerical attributes of objects with in cells. STING uses a
multi-resolution to perform cluster analysis, and the quality of
STING clustering depends on the granularity of the lowest level
of the grid structure. If the granularity is very fine, the cost of
processing will increase substantially. However, if the bottom
level of the grid structure is too coarse, it may reduce the
quality of cluster analysis. Moreover, STING does not consider
the spatial relationship between the children and their
neighboring cells for construction of a parent cell. As a result,
the shapes of the resulting clusters are isothetic, that is, all of
the cluster boundaries are either horizontal or vertical, and no
diagonal boundary is detected. This may lower the quality and
accuracy of the clusters despite of the fast processing time of
the technique.
However, all algorithms described above have the common
drawback that they are all designed to cluster a certain dataset
in the fashion of once and for all. Although methods has been
proposed to focus on visualizing clustering results so that the
users can have a view of the processed dataset's internal
structure more concretely and directly, however, seldom
concern has been put on the impact of visualization on the
clustering process.
Different from the algorithms abovementioned, the proposed
CAESA algorithm in this paper is a scalable and visualization-
oriented clustering algorithm for exploratory spatial analysis.
Here, "scalable" means our algorithm can run focus-changing
clustering in an effective and efficient way, and “visualization-
oriented" indicates that our algorithm is adaptable to
visualization situation, that is, choosing appropriate relative
clustering granularity automatically according to current
relative visualization resolution.
Like STING, CAESA is also a grid-based multi-resolution
approach in which the spatial area is divided into rectangular
cells. There usually several levels of such rectangular cells
corresponding to different levels of resolution, and these cells
form a hierarchical structure: each cell at a high level is
partitioned to form a number of cells at the next lower level.
Statistical information associated with the attributes of each
grid cell (such as the mean, standard deviation, distribution) is
calculated and stored beforehand and is used to answer the
user's queries.
" Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Figure 1: Hierarchical structure
Figure 1 shows a hierarchical structure for CAESA clustering.
Statistical parameters of higher-level cells can easily be
computed form the parameters of the lower-level cells. For each
cell, there are attributed-dependent and attribute-independent
parameters. The attribute-independent parameter is:
n—number of objects(points) in this cell
cellNo—number of this cell, it is calculated when the tree
structure is establishing
layerNo—layer number of this cell
The attribute-dependent parameters are:
m—mean of all values in this cell, where value is the distance
of two objects in this cell
s—standard deviation of all values of the attribute in this cell
d—density of all values in this cell
min—4he minimum value of the attribute in this cell
max—4he maximum value of the attribute in this cell
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