Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 Inter! 
* Digital Surface Model (DSM) vector data form and stored a relational database as described \ adva 
The digital surface model (DSM) available in this study area above. build 
covers Downtown, Denver, CO, which is the central part of the 
downtown area where a number of high buildings exist. We e Texture Image Data (TID) e Ct 
choose a small part of the imaging area with relatively better Over 200 texture images were captured by Snoy DSC-V1 The 
DSM for our experiment. Cyber-shot® digital camera. The different texture images from users 
real world walls represent different texture patterns, different : in th 
Digital Building Data (DBD) construction materials (e.g., bricks, glass, vynal), different ages of rc 
The 3D coordinates of each building were measured from DSM of walls, different building styles, e.g., American, European, parar 
using EARDAS/IMAGINE v. 6.0. The data were complied into Chinese, Mexican, etc. All of these images were compressed desci 
into JPEG with a size of 640 x 480 pixel”, and were stored in a datat 
texture image database. j VRM 
: adde 
Roof Texture 
R f Componet Component exture! rp Te À : i : 
noe ID Type T: SO Iype Natural Attribute DAE Y Ah 
RI PLI Polyhedron T1 TIF N s. ere ; 
; o ; | | extu 
R2 PL2 Quadrics q^ RGB Y oo. 0 | .. the \ 
9» ." se 9 es eo. e» es ... ess | wall 
Polyhedron à varic 
En Face choo 
Building Polyhedron Face Face Texture Point | 
Salita Roof Wall Attributes in F1,F2, F3 ID ID TID Inter 
ID 1D ID | utet PLY ja ey] d TI P1,P2,P3, | Buik 
Bl RI NW ue. | F5, F6, p BA autoi 
B2 R2 WA een PL2 wy e F2 T2 PERLES | s 
B3 R3 Wal <=: ... sre CH ii ai 
e. . . 9 9 * 9 € 99 9 1 en Mg m | 4.3 Y 
Quadries Point 
Wall Quadri — Point Radius Height Type Port x v Zz | This 
Wall Component Componetnt ] i syste 
ID ID coms APT Pi Radl | IIgtl Cylinder PI X1 Y1 Zl EN 
WI PL3 Polyhedron Ap , P2 Rad2 -- Sphere P2. x2. | Y2)| Z2 | featu 
W2 PLA Quadrics eu ah Ha ols tes whic 
BS us ts e © 9 v 9 9 . e À + A cli 
| visu: 
Surface | ; y Fdge 
f | “dee Begi End 
Surface Edge ID Description f C POT ne t 
S1 ELELES, Road | TI P1 P2 
S2 E4.ES.E6., "Road | I2 P2 pa | 
Texture 1 * Point 
Texture Type Natural Attribute Data i ‚Point E y RET Y Sil TR 
TL IR nal Grisso) Seti PEN Typi 28 
TZ Y .... coe | 
y DEM 
| GEM Texture Type Attribute DA, | 
D1 T3 TIN ... n | 
D2 T4 GRID see sso \ 
Fig. 5. One rational database model for a city 3D mode 
4.2 Development of Graphic User Interface (GUI) e Customizing Buildings 
We have developed a graphic user interface (GUI), which A called 3D Model Builder has been developed at client side 
allows a customer to create buildings, roofs, and wall textures, (see Figure 8). À user is only required to input the corner 
to customize buildings. coordinates and two heights of a building from client side, and j 
to send his/her request to server side. The server will visualize 
the building by the VRML model. On the other hand, our ) 
spatial database stores building data, and users can take 

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