Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

B2. Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The resolution of the ambiguity effected by the permanent 
station is very fast. 
The following transmissions of the corrections to the rover are 
not influenced in strong way by the growth of the distance 
between master and rover. 
All the ambiguities have been resolved in very small times with 
the attainment of the default accuracy of the tool (50 cm or less) 
after few minutes. 
Purpose of the present job it will be to verify the accuracy of 
use of GSM telephone system in the transmission of 
corrections from a master to a GPS "low-cost" rover. 
The experimental tests will consist in the survey of some 
“known” points and some Italian GPS Reference Network (IGM 
95) vertexes taken with RTK configuration set. 
The vertexes IGM95 chosen for the experimental tests, has 
been: Bari S. Spirito, Palombaio, Palo del Colle, Altamura, 
Locorotondo: the “known” point is the Polytechnic of Bari 
permanent GPS-station. 
The choice is due to the growth of the vertex distances from 
permanent GeoTIM GPS-station of Bari (from 7.5 km to 6 
km): the purpose it's to verify the possible diluition of precision 
with the increasing of distance among the receiver and the fixed 
The tool adopted to transfer GPS raw data has been Leica GIS 
Data Pro Version 2.1(figure n°6). 
This software rapresent a link beetween GPS collected data and 
Geographic Information System (GIS). 
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Fig 6. GIS-Data Pro 2.1. 
The tool Leica GIS Data Pro software has been used in the 
phase of data transfer from the GPS receiver (this operation 1s 
allowed with a serial cable RS-232 and also in wireless 
The software allows the transformation d the coordinates 
WGSS4A into into local coordinate system, opportunely defined 
or imported. 
It's possible to display background files underneath collected 
GPS data: the imported CAD or ESRI shapefiles can be edited 
with GIS Data Pro: aside from shapefiles, it can accept data 
imported from a GIS in different formats. 
In the figure n? 6 are displayed the feature browser, the map- 
view and the GPS summary view: this important characteristics 
show the attitude of this software to link GPS survey data and 
GIS informations. 
Some results gotten in the surveys are brought in following 
table n. 1. It is showed the comparison between GS20 PDM 
data, in DGPS-RTK configuration set, and the known 
vorticelcMes [distance] DN | DK 
[km] | [+m] | [+ m] 
PALO DEL COLLE 73 025 | 0,04 
BARI S. SPIRITO F5 0.32 | 0,05 
POLYTECHNIC 9,5 0,40 | 0.06 
PALOMBAIO 14 Gis | 635 
ALTAMURA 36 01 10,28 
LOCOROTONDO 60 053 | 0.30 
Table n.1: Comparison beetween RTK “GS20 PDM” data and 
known coordinates 
The results show the increasing of the differences with the 
growth of the distance from the permanent GeoTIM GPS- 
station of Bari Modugno. 
The accuracy is sub-metric, coherently with how anticipated in 
the planning session. 
It is possible to hypothesize that the values gotten in this first 
phase are confirmed by the following survey measurements, for 
the other different vertexes of the IGM95 Network. 
In the following phases of the research, still in course of 
execution at the Polytechnic of Bari, we propose ourselves to 
complete the planimetric surveys and also to investigate the 
orthometric height in all the points. 
The wireless Bluetooth system, after the firmware upgrading 
and the initial configuration, effected in the laboratory, is very 
simple to use: it is an easy solution for the collection of 
submeter GPS/GIS data, while during the survey some 
correlated problem to the use of the batteries is manifested. 
The GSM connection to the reference station is fast and it has 
been maintained during the survey without problems. 
The data in the table n°1 have been gotten using the internal 
GS20 antenna: it has expected that the accuracy of the measures 
can increase using the external antenna (AT501 — tracks LI 
The survey has also been conducted using different kinds of 
devices [Caprioli et alii,2003]. 
In the prevoius tests, the same survey has been conducted with 
LEICA system 500- SR530" (tracks the L1 C/A code and L2 P- 
code, Wavecom GSM module with business SIM card for data 
transmission) in order to realize many kinds of data comparison. 
The DGPS RTK results brought in table 2 have been gotten 
with higher accuracy obtained, obviously, with an *high cost" 
VerticoIGMoS oo nee) DN | DF 
[km] {+ m] | I+ m] 
PALO DEL COLLE 75 | 0.047 | 0,035 
BARI S. SPIRITO 73 | 0014 | 0,046 
POLYTECHNIC 95 | 0,016 | 0,041 
PALOMBAIO 14 | 0.014 | 0.047 
ALTAMURA 36 [0,005 [0.029 
LOCOROTONDO 60 [0.125 [0.048 
Table n.2: Comparison beetween RTK “SR530” data and 
known coordinates 

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