Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
should be a bit conservative in our mission flight altitude 
planning by flying lower in hopes that a finer pixel will offset a 
reduction in relief exaggeration. 
The DMC's greater radiometric depth of 12 bits vs. the usual 
scanned imagery's 8 bits does not appear to improve the 
matching process. In preliminary tests we have confirmed this 
by resampling DMC imagery from 12 bits down to 8 bits and 
running auto-matching. More investigation is necessary in this 
As for the generation of pan-sharpened colour orthophotos, the 
processing sometimes creates false-colour artefacts that must be 
carefully compensated for in each set of imagery. In some 
cases, the final product shows “bleed-over” effects because it is 
not possible to correctly assign, for example, the correct R, G, 
B, and NIR values for a 0.3m pan pixel from a 1.4m colour/CIR 
pixel. As long as one doesn’t magnify the imagery too much, 
the effect is usually not noticeable, but it is there. Fortunately, if 
one were using the DMC imagery in the context of a 
multispectral classification process, one would probably be 
quite satisfied just to work with the raw colour/CIR coarse/not- 
pan-sharpened imagery. Also, if one is using the pan-sharpened 
imagery just to do visual interpretation and if one doesn't 
zoom-in too much, the quality of the colour/CIR imagery is 
quite adequate and still looks markedly superior to scanned 
In this paper the design of the Digital Mapping Camera (DMC) 
has been introduced in some detail. The data flow of DMC 
image acquisition and georeferencing is presented. The 
technical data of some DMC projects flown at various flying 
heights over different terrain types to produce different output 
products are given. As shown in Table 2, all results met the 
mapping accuracy requirements. 
Overall, the DMC offers much better quality in spatial 
resolution for panchromatic imagery, and its multiband 
resolution is adequate for real-world colour/CIR multispectral 
analysis application. The DMC's FMC capability gives it more 
latitude in terms of lighting conditions (cirrus overcast, poor 
contrast surfaces, poor reflecting surfaces, and time of year and 
day [if shadow length specs are relaxed]), superior potential 
capital utilization efficiency can be achieved if it is placed on a 
faster platform, and, most importantly, the DMC's accuracy is 
sufficient to support 3-D mapping to any map accuracy 
Automatic image matching software needs to be modified to 
take advantage of the higher dynamic band of DMC imagery. 
More investigation is needed to analyze 12-bit vs. 8-bit imagery 
as well as the impact of the DMC's reduced B/H ratio on overall 
height accuracy when collected DTMs are used in support of 
contour mapping. 
This paper has been prepared with the use of several DMC 
blocks provided by 3001, Inc. We used some of these blocks for 
accuracy analysis as well as for georeferencing comparing 
direct and indirect sensor orientation. We acknowledge the 
help of Gregory Horwell of 3001 who has provided us with 
valuable analysis of several DMC practical projects. 
Diener S., Kiefner M., Dorstel C., 2000. Radiometric 
normalisation and colour composite generation of the DMC, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. XXXIII, Part Bl, pp. 88-92. 
Dórstel C. 2003. DMC - Practical experiences and 
Photogrammetric System Performance, in: Fritsch D. (Ed.), 
Photogrammetric Week 2003, Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 59- 
Dérstel C., Jacobsen K., Stallmann D., 2003. DMC - 
photogrammetric accuracy — calibration aspects and generation 
of synthetic DMC images, in: Grün A., Kahmen H. (Eds.), 
Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques VI, Vol. I, Institute for 
Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zürich, 74-82. 
Heier H., 2001.: Deploying DMC in today's workflow, in: Eds 
Fritsch D., Spiller R. (Eds.), Photogrammetric Week 2001, 
Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 35-45. 
Heier H., Hinz A., 2002. Results from the Digital Modular 
Camera DMC. Proceedings ASPRS, Washington D.C., USA. 
Hinz A., 1999. The Z/I Imaging Digital Modular Camera, in: 
Fritsch D., Spiller R. (Eds.), Photogrammetric Week "99, 
Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 109-115. 
Hinz A., Dórstel C, Heier H., 2001. DMC — The Digital Sensor 
Technology of Z/I-Imaging, in: Fritsch D., Spiller R. (Eds.), 
Photogrammetric Week 2001, Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 93- 
Madani, M., Dérstel, C., Zeitler, W., Tang, L., 2001. Z/I 
Imaging New Automatic Aerial Triangulation System 
2001. ASPRS Annual Conference, ST. Louis, MO, April 
Madani, M. and M.M.R. Mostafa, 2001. ISAT Direct Exterior 
Orientation QA/QC Strategy Using POS Data. Proceedings of 
OEEPE Workshop: Integrated Sensor Orientation, Hanover, 
Germany, September 17-18, 2001. 
Tang L., Dórstel C., Jacobsen K., Heipke C., Hinz A., 2000. 
Geometric accuracy potential of the Digital Modular Camera, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. XXXIII, Part B4/3, pp. 1051-1057. 

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