Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Gwinner, K., 2001: Anwendungspotential hochauflôsender 
digitaler Stereobilder als topographische Datengrundlage — 
Fallstudie zur Geologie von Vulcano. Publikationen der 
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und 
Fernerkundung, Vol. 9, pp. 302-311. 
Hauber, E., Jaumann, R., Wewel, F., Gwinner, K., Neukum, G., 
Slupetzky, H., 2000. The Airborne High Resolution Stereo 
Camera (HRSC-A) as a Tool for High Mountain Cartography. - 
Kartographische Bausteine 18, pp. 29-38, Dresden, Germany. 
Hoffmann, A., van der Vegt, J.W., Lehmann, F., 2000. Towards 
automated map updating: is it feasible with new digital data 
acquisition and processing techniques?. International Archives 
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXXIII, Part B4, pp. 
63-69, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
Leser, C., 2002: Operationelle Biotoptypenkartierung mit 
HRSC-Daten — Probleme und Lösungsansätze. In: Blaschke, 
Fernerkundung und GIS, pp. 88-97, Heidelberg, Germany 
Martin, J. & O’Kane, J.P., 2000. Integration of physically based 
computer models with high resolution digital elevation models 
for the generation of flood maps. — Water in the Celtic World: 
Managing Resources for the 21* Century, British Hydrological 
Society, pp. 181-188. 
2003. Automatisierte 
Interpretation hochauflósender 
Erdfernerkundung. Ph.D. Thesis, 
Fakultät II, Humboldt University, 
Objekterkennung zur 
Bilddaten in der 
Berlin, Germany. 
Mayer, 5. 
Móller, M., 2000. Applications of very high resolution digital 
airborne scanner data. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXXIII, Part B4, pp. 
663-669, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
Renouard, L.:& Lehmann, F., 1999. High resolution digital 
surface models and orthoimages for telecom network planning. 
In: Fritsch & Spiller, Photogrammetric Week “99, pp. 241-246, 
Heidelberg, Germany. 
Scholten, F., Wewel, F., 2000. Digital 3D-data Acquisition with 
the High Resolution Stereo Camera Airborne (HRSC-A). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. XXXIII, Part B4, pp. 901-908, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
Scholten, F., Wewel, F., Sujew, S., 2001. High Resolution 
Stereo Camera - Airborne (HRSC-A): 4 Years of Experience in 
Direct Sensor Orientation of a Multi-Line Pushbroom Scanner. 
In: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, Proceedings of Joint Workshop "Sensors and Mapping 
from Space 2001", Veróffentlichungen des Instituts für 
Photogrammetrie und Geoinformation, University of Hannover, 
Scholten, F., Sujew, S., Gwinner, K., 2003a. Application of 
3PS/INS-Systems with the HRSC - A Comparison of Applanix 
'OS/AV-510 and IGI AEROcontrol-IId. Proceedings of ISPRS 
Workshop WG 1/5 Workshop "Theory, Technology and 
Realities of Inertial/GPS Sensor Orientation", Castelldefels, 
Scholten, F., Gwinner, K., Tauch, R., Boulgakova, O., 2003b. 
HRSC-AX - High Resolution Orthoimages and Digital Surface 
Models for Urban Regions. Proceedings of 2nd GRSS/ISPRS 
Joint Workshop "Remote Sensing and data Fusion over Urban 
Areas", pp. 225-229, Berlin, Germany. 
Wewel, F., Scholten, F., Gwinner, K., 2000. High Resolution 
Stereo Camera (HRSC) — Multispectral 3D-Data Acquisition 
and Photogrammetric Data Processing. Canadian Journal of 
Remote Sensing, 26 (5), pp. 466-474. 

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