Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

art B2. Istanbul 2004 
not be required to 
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/ the autonomous flight 
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UAV does not have to 
nost basic requirement 
will be to produce a 
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n. Using X-band line- 
t 200 km in radius can 
his coincides with the 
1, the ground reception 
he UAV. Also, there is 
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igher than 200 km, an 
rafts, flying at higher 
integrity, the data will 
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lation products to the 
This includes applying 
ion information, and 
is will be implemented 
the methodology of 
he summer of 2005, 
jle by using the Flepos 
ted over the Flemish 
Walcors GPS network 
of Belgium (Walcors, 
lar services in Europe 
mally documented and 
. shall comply to the 
nd private users. 
le to the public, up to 
lished internet portals. 
y (visual or thermal), 
o information derived 
hg products, etc., ... 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The PEGASUS project will offer remotely sensed data and 
information with high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. 
The unique platform, which is unmanned and flying at 
stratospheric heights (between 12 and 20 km altitude) offers the 
advantages associated with both airborne and spaceborne 
systems, without their disadvantages, but with some limitation 
with respect to the weight of the payload. 
The system is set to fly its first demonstration tests in the late 
summer of 2005, in Belgium. 
Aldridge, E.C., Stenbit, J.P., 2002. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 
Roadmap 2002 — 2027, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 
Washington DC, U.S.A. 
BGC, 1994. Solar influences on Global Change, Board on 
Global Change, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and 
Resources, National Research council, The National Academies 
Press, /SBN 0-309-05148-7, Washington DC, U.S.A, p.164. 
{ed.), 2003. U4Vs, a Vision of the 
London, United 
Butterworth-Hayes, P. 
Future, Newsdesk Communications Ltd., 
Flepos, 2004. http://www. gisvlaanderen.be/tlepos/nl/, in Dutch 
(accessed 19 Apr. 2004) 
Fransaer, ^D; "Vanderhaeshen, F., Everaerts, ‘J., 2004. 
PEGASUS: Business Plan for a Stratospheric Long Endurance 
UAV System for Remote Sensing. Accepted for The 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, GITC, 
Lemmer, The Netherlands. 
Graham-Rowe, D. 2003. Nuclear-powered drone aircraft on 
drawing board , New Scientist, 22 February 2003. 
Haarbrink, R.B., 2003. High Altitude LIDAR to Enhance 
GeoSAR System Performance. In Maas, Vosselman, Streilein 
(eds.), Proceedings of the ISPRS working group [11/3 workshop 
'3-D reconstruction from airborne laserscanner and InSAR data’ 
Dresden, Germany 8-10 October 2003, GITC, Lemmer, The 
Hindle, S., 2001. Helios Sets New World Record! Press release, 
archive/813flight.html (accessed 19 Apr. 2004) 
Kiike, R., 2000. HALE Aerostatic Platforms, ESA Study 
Contract Report, contract 13243/98/NL/JG 
Noble, P., Nix, M., 2003. 3D North Sydney — Precise 3D 
database for Retrieval and Visualization. In Fritsch (ed.) 
Photogrammetric Week 2003, Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 
Reulke, R., 2003. Film-based and Digital Sensors — Augmen- 
tation or Change in Paradigm? In Fritsch (ed.) Photogrammetric 
Week 2003, Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany 
Walcors, 2004. http://gps.wallonie.be, in French (accessed 19 
Apr. 2004) 
Parts of the work presented were sponsored by ESA and the 
Ministry of the Flemish Community. 

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