Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Especially when comparing the results of the first and the last 
time step of the time series (Figure 4) regarding the class 
*Bushland / shrubs* (3), very high portions of the land cover 
classes 1 (“Near natural + old secondary forest") and 2 (*Sec- 
ondary forest^) for the earlier time slice are revealed, pointing at 
major forest loss. When looking at the diagramms comparing 
the neighbouring time steps (not shown here), the unchanged 
portion of class 3 is always relatively low. This allows to sus- 
pect that bushland does not stay bushland for long, but either 
regenerates to secondary forest or is further cleared and thus 
changes to grassland or agricultural land. Similar fluctuating 
dynamics can be noticed for the class "Secondary forest^ (2), 
but here the largest portion of the changed classes is always 
“Near natural + old secondary forest“ (1). This could be due to 
misclassifications because of spectral similarities. between 
pixels making up the classes | and 2. But portions of land cover 
class 1 (for 1972/73) in class 2 (2001) can also be related to 
forest loss if these have been compensated for by such forest 
plantations that could not be distinguished from the natural” 
forest formations as in the case of e.g. Maesopsis eminii. As can 
be seen from Figure 4 forest loss has mainly occurred in favour 
of bushland (3), grassland (6) and agricultural land (10). 
Whereas the also high portions of class | (“Near natural + old 
secondary forest“) in class 2 (Secondary forest") and 7 (Plan- 
tation forest — Pinus patula^) have to be interpreted with care, 
as discussed above. 
The classification of Landsat imagery for 7 time steps between 
1972 and 2001 aimed at a homogeneous (unlike Brooks et al., 
1999) as well as dense (unlike ICRAF, 1996 with only 2 time 
steps) time series for documenting land cover change in the 
wider Kakamega Forest area in order to contribute to biodiver- 
sity research and management (compare Schaab et al., 2002). 
For the first time such a consistent land cover time series for 
Kakamega Forest and its associated forest areas is now avail- 
able which is differentiating between forest formations and 
covers the past 30 years. 
The results reveal distinct pattern in land cover change and thus 
regarding disturbance and fragmentation for the different forest 
areas considered. In total a decrease in forest area is observed 
due to clear fellings of larger areas as well as due to selective 
logging opening the forest cover by numerous small gaps. At 
the same time for some areas, especially for those under strict 
conservation managment, regeneration via successional stages 
can be observed in the time series. So far the classification 
quality has been only assessed by a visual interpretation. Colour 
aerial photography from 2000 will be hopefully available soon 
for the demanded accuracy assessment via error matrices 
(Congalton & Green, 1998) for the most actual classification 
result. Further, it is planed to elongerate the time series by 
means of historical aerial photography (1948, 1952, 1965, 1967) 
as well as by old topographic maps (ca. 1910). 
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Kôhler, J., 2004. Was hat Biodiversitätsforschung mit 'nachhal- 
tiger Nutzung' zu tun? Tier und Museum, 8(3), pp. 82-91. 
Kokwaro, J.O., 1988. Conservation Status of the Kakamega 
Forest in Kenya. The Easternmost Relic of the Equatorial Rain 
Forests of Africa. Monographs in Systematic Botany (Missouri 
Botanical Garden), 25, pp. 471-489. 
Lillesand, T. M. & R.W. Kiefer, 2000. Remote Sensing and 
Image Interpretation. John Willy & Sons, New York, Chi- 
Lung, T., 2004. Landbedeckungsánderungen im Gebiet ,,Ka- 
kamega Forest und assoziierte Waldgebiete“ (Westkenia) - 
Multispektrale Klassifizierung von LANDSAT-Satellitenbild- 
daten und Auswertung mittels Methoden im Raster-GIS. Di- 
ploma thesis, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, De- 
partment of Geoinformation, Karlsruhe. Germany. 
Mitchell, N., in print. The Exploitation and Disturbance History 
of Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. In: Bielefelder Okologi- 
sche Beiträge, 20, BIOTA Report No. 1, edited by B. Bleher & 
H. Dalitz. 
Schaab, G., B. Hórsch & G. Strunz, 2002. GIS und Fernerkun- 
dung für die Biodiversitátsforschung im Rahmen des BIOTA- 
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Wade, T.G., K.H. Riitters, J.D. Wickham & K.B. Jones, 2003. 
Distribution and Causes of Global Forest Fragmentation. Con- 
servation Ecology. 7(2): 7, http://www.consecol.org/vol7/ 1ss2/ 
art7 (accessed 10 Apr. 2004) 
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