Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
In Topluca Village and its surrounding, highest amount of 
damage was observed and illustrated in Figure 5/A. In order to 
prevent these attacks, the conservation made by means of 
cadastral activities of forest directorate since 1992 must 
immediately be stopped. When the damages were examined in 
Kozcagiz vicinity located South-Southeast section of study area 
(Figure 5/B), damages were observed mostly on coppice having 
910-40 degree of canopy. On the contrary, high forest having 
9641-100 degree of canopy had no damage. Another reason 
behind this result is that high forests have disturbed the 
topography structure and it is impossible for the villagers to 
convert these areas to another land use. 
5. Conclusions 
It has been determined that there are some serious difficulties 
about land use in the interest area of Bartin and its vicinity. In 
this proximity, it can be seen that there is "traditional" land use 
which is not suitable for land use class. In this study area, forest 
lands have been damaged by converting them to agricultural 
areas, hazelnut areas and settlements etc. Agricultural activities 
which are done without necessary soil conservation measures 
cause the forest areas near to settlement areas to face recession 
and consequently causing damages to existing natural equipoise. 
In the forested areas, it can be seen that there are open and 
intensive clearing made to obtain agricultural and settlement 
areas. For this reason, species composition has been modified; 
degree of canopy and density has been decreased. According to 
measurements from satellite images, the total amount of 
deforestation in the area in 1992-2000 was 775.65 ha/yr. In 
order to prevent these illegal activitie,s following suggestions 
should be taken into account: 
- . To prevent the damages to forest areas legal measures 
must be applied without any compensation. 
Moreover, studies on increasing legal sanction must 
be speeded up; intensive control mechanisms against 
clearing must be applied. It has been known that 
occupation and clearing crimes against forest areas, 
which cadastral registration has been applied, has 
been. decreased significantly. For this reason, 
completing the forest cadastre as soon as possible is 
an important issue. 
- A Another reason of damaging forests is the economical 
and educational level of forest villagers. The people 
living in villages’ represent the poorest people of this 
part. Government should give enough attention to 
development of forest villages. They should be 
encourage to get benefits such as agriculture, stock 
farming, forestry etc.. Also all technical, economical, 
social and cultural measures should be included in 
regional development plans. 
- . The forests which have lost their density and canopy 
can not fulfill their hydrologic and soil conservation 
functions. These places should be rehabilitated 
without damaging of natural structure. Thus flooding 
and land sliding can be prevented. 
- Very high damaging of coppice areas has pointed to 
the fact that the care and importance given to the other 
management units could not be observed the coppice 
areas. Unproductive coppice areas which are 
constantly damaged by forest villagers should be 
converted to high forest as soon as possible. To 
increase the conservation measures in the forests 
belonging to all management units guarantees the 
submission of the existing forests to the next 
6. References 
Ascioglu, E. (2001). Bartin, Bartin ve Ticaret Odasi, TSO, 
Bartin, 199 pp. 
Bartin Tourism Center, (1996). Bartin ve Turizm. Bartin 
Turizm Il Müdürlügü , Bartin. 
Güvenen, O. (1991). Türkiye Nüfus Yapis: ve Nüfus-Cevre 
Etkilesimi. Tiirkive Cevre Vakfi-Diinya Niifus Giünii Toplantisi, 
93-148. Ankara 
Hizal A., Tunay M., Gercek H. (1996).0Orman Alanlarinin 
Tarim Alani Olarak Kullanimin Erozyon Olusumuna Etkileri. 
Tarim-Çevre Îliskileri Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitab, 345-355. 
Lillesand, M.,Tt., Kiefer, W., R. (1994). Remote Sensing and 
Image Interpretation, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 
New York, 750 pp. 
Musaoglu, N., Kaya, S., Seker, D.Z., Góksel, C. (2002). A 
Case Study of Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS for Land 
Management; Catalca Region, (pp. 19-26) FIG XXIII 
International Congress, Washington D.C. 
Tunay, M., Atesoglu A. (2002). Ormandan Arazi Kazanimi 
Nedenleri Uzerine Bir Arastirma (Bartin Yôresi Ornegi) //. 
Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancilik Kongresi, 124-133. Artvin 
TMMOB, (1999). Orman Mühendisleri Odasi, 19-21 Mayis 
1998 Bati Karadeniz Seli Nedenleri, Alinmasi Gerekli Onlemler 
ve Oneriler (Bilim Kurulu Raporu). Ankara, 117 pp. 
7. Acknowledgements. 
This work was carried out under the international project 
supported by TUBITAK (Turkey) - JULICH (Germany) 
cooperation with a code no. 101Y090 and the research project 
with a code of 2009/45-05-02 supported by the Zonguldak 
Karaelmas University. 
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