Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
half the total pixel amount. As can be seen by using this 
technique, the probability for representative data was increased 
and the curves could be flattened. Figure 3 shows two cover 
types before and after the setting of the limit: the smoothing 
effect can be seen well in the sraphs of coniferous forest 
plantation (a) and dry heather moorland (b). 
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| —5— original data a-— reduced data : 
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| —B- original data —-- reduced data | (b) 
Figure 3: Polygons of coniferous forest plantation (a) and dry 
heather moorland (b) before and after the selection 
of weeks. 
3.4 Filtering of the dataset 
Filtering is a common technique for smoothing NDVI data. 
Usually. either a weighted or unweighted moving average filter 
or a median filter is used, sometimes both are combined 
(Duchemin, 1999; Reed et al., 1994; Malingreau, 1986). 
The moving average formula is based on the average value of 
the variable over a specific number of preceding periods, e.g. 3 
or 5. The moving average of 3, for example, is calculated using 
the running NDVI and the values just before and after in the 
time series. 
After experimenting with a weighted moving average filter 
(weighting coefficient of 0.25, 0.5. 0.25), median filtering, and 
moving average filters of 3 and 5 points, an interval of 5 
composite periods was finally selected for all cover types except 
for pasture and arable land which were filtered with a 3 point 
filter. It was discovered that a 5 point filter would smooth out 
too many peaks and troughs in these cover types, so that the 
overall trend was more difficult to establish. Figure 4 gives an 
example (wet heather moorland 1996) of how the data were 
smoothed, starting with the original data which is noisiest; the 
reduced average. i.e. only pixels above a certain limit had been 
included in the calculation, shows clearly that most troughs are 
flattened. It can be seen that all the filtered curves are much 
smoother. As a comparison the moving average of 5 points of 
the original unsmoothed data is given. It is by about 0.01 to 
0.04 units lower than the moving average of the curve with the 
pixel limit. 
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a 10 20 week 30 40 so 
—4— original data —s-- reduced data 
original data, filtered —#— reduced data, filtered 
Figure 4: Filtering of the dataset (wet heather moorland 1996, 
polygon 3): Original weekly composites, reduced 
data and smoothed data (moving average filter of 5). 
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[t was apparent that the original data curves of the NDVI are 
very noisy. Sub-pixel clouds, cloud shadow. atmospheric effects 
and the small number of polygons used in certain cover types 
might all be factors that lead to the noisiness of the curves. The 
missing atmospheric correction also means that the NDVI 
values are lower as if correction had been undertaken. 
The cloudiness of the images also results in a limitation of the 
data that is available in each year. It can be observed that only 
values for the weeks around 5-50 exist which means that 
Scotland is extremely cloud-covered during the winter months. 
Through the necessary smoothing of the curves, weeks were 
climinated so that effectively NDVI data can only be displayed 
for roughly weeks 8-45. A look at climate graphs validates that 
the months with the highest precipitation are November (0 
February. This, along with the low sunshine duration, implies a 
high cloud probability. As photosynthetic activity is low during 
this time and the winter months are therefore less interesting in 
vegetation studies, the NDVI observations allow for an 
interpretation of the most interesting part of the vegetation 
cycle. Interpretation of some forest polygons is made difficult, 
especially of semi-natural and mainly coniferous forest because 
of limited data availability due mainly to cloud cover problems. 
4.1 Intra-annual variations of the NDVI of different 
vegetation types 
The individual polygons of each vegetation type cover different 
areas of Scotland. It was investigated whether differences in the 
behaviour of the NDVI curve in the polygons of each cover type 
were apparent. This is of interest for looking at the advance of 
the ‘green wave’, the start of the growing period. Differences 
arc to be expected: depending on the vegetation type, in the 
Highlands and Islands of Scotland the green-up is likely to start 
later than in the Lowlands. In the graphs, those differences are 
only existent to a minor extent and could therefore not be 
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