Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
B3: 0.79 to 0.89 pun corresponding to the near infra-red band. 
The dates of the images are: 
11-03-1989 11:44:49 
11-12-1995 11:45:42 
11-06-1998 11:41:06 
We took the same section for the 3 available dates. Each section 
consists of 300 lines * 600 columns * 3 bands. They are the 
parts of the images on which we have validated data by the 
experts and digitized on a SIG. Once the method validated, we 
apply it to the totality of the zone of study. 
3.2 Constituting of the base of training 
We chose the reorganization of the matrix of image made up of 
600 lines * 300 columns * 3 bands in 5040 lines and 3 columns. 
The lines correspond to pixels and the columns to the channels. 
We thus obtain for each pixel its three numerical values in each 
band of reflectance. From this new matrix, we transformed the 
numerical values for each channel into reflectance value 
according to the formula given by the guide of user of 
Spotimage society. By supposing that surface is lambertian and 
that the reflection is isotropic: 
p-Cn*zríiGn *cos9* Es... (1) 
Where  i- index of the channel, 1 to 3 
Gn = calibration gain of channel i, value given on the 
header file of the images. 
0 = solar zenith angle. 
Es = Solar irradiance equivalent to channel i given by 
the Spot site, depends on the HRV and the generation 
of Spot. 
After the transformation of the images matrices into values of 
spectral reflectances, we proceeded to the constitution of the 
base of training which is used as a basis of application for the 
SOM algorithm. This base is consisted of the three dates, by 
considering that 3 successive lines can present same information 
on an image, we chose then to take a line from three of each 
date of image and then to combine their matrix. Thus, we obtain 
a base made up of 3 dates of our area of study. 
The objective of this stage is to constitute a base where all the 
cases of figure of reflectances representing of the units of 
landscape are present. The base of training is thus made up; it is 
identified as multi dates. Standardization, between -1 value and 
| of the values of reflectances, is applied in order to reduce the 
variations of the values between the dates within the base of 
3.3 Application of the SOM algorithm 
After the constitution of the multi dates base of training, we 
applied the SOM algorithm, whose principle is explained 
previously. We thus, obtained the Kohonen map which 
constitutes the spectra of calculated reflectances representative 
of the referents of different cells the base of training (see Figure 
2). We observe on the map, that the spectra of referents 
representing the subsets are localised by complying with the 
rule of conservation of topology and similarity: the close 
referents present similar spectra. Thus the referents are 
organised in the map, from the higher reflectances to the lower. 
In addition to the conservation of topology, the characteristic of 
this map is the possibility to visualize the pixels spectra of the 
same subset and their geographical localisation. 
carte des référents de la base d'apprentissage 
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Figure 2. Spectra of the referents classified on the Kohonen 
3.4 The application of the HAC classification 
In order to reveal these similar groups, we applv an Ascending 
hierarchical clustering (HAC) to the Kohonen map. While 
supposing at the beginning that we have 100 subsets, each one 
being represented by a cell. Each iteration merges two subsets 
in only one and thus reduces the number of subset of one unit. 
In this manner, the number of subset falls during iterations to 
arrive at only one subset when the algorithm arrives at the end. 
It is possible to stop this algorithm with a given iteration and to 
thus recover a definite number of subsets. 
The application of the HAC requires the use of a criterion of 
similarity between the sets. Several criteria are defined in the 
literature; we chose that of Ward for this application. This stage 
permits to gather the subsets (cells) having similar reflectances, 
therefore to gather all local variability of the landscape. 
We stopped the HAC to 15 classes. 15 is the optimum estimated 
number fixed by the experts on the study area. 
We note that each class gathers close cells on the Kohonen map 
(thus similar subclasses). Each class on the map is represented 
by a colour (Figure.2), it can be also visualised geographically 
on the original image. 
The visualization of the 15 classes gathering the 100 calculated 
subsets, are labelled to make correspond one or more classes to 
a landscape unit on the ground. These units present the elements 
factors of risk. The class of dunes is an example compared to 
the urban zone. 
3.5 The multi dates application 
After having identified the classes which correspond to the units 
of landscape, the following phase consists of the assignment of 
the results of the base of training classification on each date of 
image. This phase makes it possible to locate each unit of 
landscape on each date of images and to visualize the evolution 
of each class on the three dates available. 
The classification is realised without calculation but by simple 
assignment of the 15 classes on each date. Thus we see the 
evolution of the two risks on the various dates (stranding and 
flood) compared to the urban areas of Nouakchott. Figure 3 
shows the various stages of the methodology of work. 

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