International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
The left side building shows a leaning effect whereas the right
side building is straightened up and the hidden area is shown as
hatched area.
Considering the task to obtain information about the area of
usable agricultural land, the leaning effect is a serious problem,
especially at forest borders.
Figure 4. Leaning effect in an orthophoto
Figure 4 shows an orthophoto and the superimposed boundary
of cadastral parcels. Without any further information such as
orthophoto center position, there is no way to decide whether
the image shows the real forest border or a leaning effect. Thus,
this image might not be very helpful to determine Net Areas.
The conclusions related to the leaning effect are the same as the
position error caused by a height error. It should be noted that
due the nature of line scanner systems, the leaning effect in
flight direction is totally avoided.
In the context of Land Parcel Identification and Net Area
determination, the land cover types to be taken into account in
this study is focused on:
e Arable Land
e Forage Land
° Forest
e Water bodies
e Infrastructure
4.1 Classification with eCognition
For the study of land cover classification, the software package
eCognition was used. eCognition is based on the idea to carry
out supervised classification based on "image objects" using
concepts of fuzzy logic. The program supports a wide range of
raster formats and has the possibility to process images of
different resolution (Definiens 2001).
4.2 Classification Case Study
In order to proof, whether classification could be used for
updating Land Parcel Identification Systems, color images taken
in September 2002 had been used for image classification.
Training samples for image classification were selected by the
operator. However, the operator based identification of
wasteland has been nearly impossible.
= Arable
e A-Typel
@ F-Type2
(S F-Typel
@ FType3
CO Maize
=> @ Trees
@ Single Trees
@ Forest
= @ Roads
& R-Type2
@ R-Typel
-| € Houses
© Eright-roof
@ Dark-root
@ Forest-Shadow
Figure 5. Image used for classification with eCognition and
class hierarchy (Oesterle 2003; Image by courtesy of the
State Authority for Land Consolidation and Land
Development Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Figure 5 shows clearly that arable as forage land varies
significantly in color and brightness. For this reason several
subclasses for each land cover, as well as training samples have
been defined. To introduce scale into segmentation, four levels
from fine to coarse had been established.
e Level 1 (fine): Single trees, infrastructure
e Level 2 (medium): Infrastructure (houses)
e Level 3 (medium): Arable, forage land
e. Level4 (coarse): Forest areas
A first classification step based on object features only was not
satisfactory, as house roofs could not be detected. In a second
step, classification has been improved by applying class related
features. The classification results obtained on different levels
have been merged afterwards.
Figure 6. Final classification result
The result was an 89% correct classification, found by
comparing ground truth land cover acquired by field checks
with the classification result. This result is a very good basis for
updating the LPIS. Nevertheless, the remaining uncertainty
requires checking the results by visual inspection.
To prove these findings a second image from the same image
flight was processed. The experiments have shown that
adoptions of to training, including the class hierarchy have
become necessary to get the excellent classification results
shown above also in the second test site. The reason for this is
the quite large variety of color and brightness values of forage
and arable land in the image. Furthermore, the color of some
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