Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 3: Distribution of tie points, red: automatically generated 
points, blue: manually measured points 
3.1 Reference data 
In the area of investigation, no control points of superior 
accuracy exist. Thus, for the comparison of automatically 
generated DTMs, again accurate reference data measured on an 
analytical plotter Wild S9 was acquired using the software 
XMAP by Aviosoft™. For 5 stereo models from two strips, 
parallel profile measurements were performed with an average 
point distance of 20m along the profiles and a profile distance 
of 20m. Breaklines were not measured due to the flat areas 
except for model 116 117. Using our software DTMZ, grids 
with 5m mesh size were interpolated from the measured points. 
The grids then could be imported to ESRI ArcGIS™ 8.3 and 
directly compared with the grids acquired from the DIPS by 
calculating the height difference: 
AZ = Lpies - ZREFERENCE- (1) 
From the resulting height difference grid, mean value, RMS 
error and the minimum and maximum offset were computed. 
Potential trends in the performance of height errors and their 
spatial distribution can be extracted. To visualise the 
distribution of the height errors, histograms of the difference 
grids and contour lines were produced, which allow for an 
examination of the geomorphological accuracy. 
The topography covered by the processed stereo models is 
predominantly flat with only few discontinuities except for one 
model, consisting of the images 16 and 17 in the first strip, 
which contain parts of 3 quebradas (figure 1). 
For DTM generation, the orientations computed using Image 
Station Digital Mensuration were transferred to the analytical 
plotter and used for the manual measurements. On Virtuozo, 4 
control points per stereo model, transferred from ISDM, were 
used for absolute orientation of the images. To minimise the 
marginal differences caused by varying spatial attitudes, 
Geomagic Studio 4.1 by Raindrop Geomagic Inc. was used to 
register the automatically derived DTMs to the reference data 
(global registration function). 
3.2 Image Station™ 
The method of DTM generation applied by Image Station 
Automatic Elevations (ISAE) is described in detail in the 
manual which is integrated in the graphical user interface (Z/I 
Imaging Corporation, 2002). For each level of the image 
pyramid, an initial DTM is derived by matching homologous 
points, starting with a horizontal plane in the first level. From 
this initial DTM, a DTM is modeled with bilinear finite 
elements which then serves as the initial DTM for the next 
level. For matching, ISAE uses the interest operator and 
correlation coefficient while the matching area is geometrically 
defined by a parallax bound and the epipolar line. 
ISAE offers a lot of different strategies for DTM generation. 
Users can choose different terrain types, adaptive or non- 
adaptive grid, parallax bound and matching modes, correlation 
thresholds or define terrain types by themselves. Different 
smoothing filters with user-defined weights and sampling 
factors can be applied. Some tests with the default terrain types 
showed, that the best results could be achieved using terrain 
type "flat" with adaptive mode. The smoothing filter was set to 
"high", keeping the default values for smoothing weight (2.0) 
and sampling factor as recommended in the manual. After a first 
attempt with a correlation threshold of 0.95, a value of 0.75 was 
chosen because of the low point density and thus a strong 
terrain filtering achieved with 0.95 (figure 4). The result is a 
grid with 5m mesh size which the software interpolates from the 
measured points. 
The height differences obtained for the different models show 
clearly, that not only texture but also terrain characteristics, 
especially steep slopes like on the border of the valleys in the 
images 16 and 17, affect the accuracy of the automatically 
generated DTMs. Table | shows the mean height error, its 
standard deviation and the minimum-maximum range of the 
height differences between the automatically derived DTM and 
the manually measured DTM. 
Table 1: DTM generated using Image Station compared to the 
manually measured DTM on an analytical plotter 
Wild S9 
Model | AZ | Std. Deviation Min. — Max. 
116 117 025m | 3.10m -19.1m — 24.2m 
210 211 ON : : 
211 M2 022m | 1.99m -4.4m — 36.4m 
212 213 0.25m | 1.53m -6.3m — 18.8m 
213 214 -0.02m | 1.33m -12.9m — 7.0m 
223 224 -0.01m | 0.77m -3.3m — 7.6m 
Mean height errors, standard deviations and the minimum- 
maximum-ranges of the different stereo models show a 
noticeable heterogeneity. In model 210_211, for an unresolved 
reason no correct DTM could be calculated. 
The differential grid of model 116 117 shows another 
phenomenon: The big blunders show a coincidence with areas 
of steep slopes and are predominantly positive (figure 4). 

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