Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

2. Istanbul 2004 
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| Archives of the 
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4, pp. 42-51. 
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al Version 3.1. 
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ition Automatic 
S N Mahapatra* *, V K Mahindru? *, A K Swain* *, Alok Upadhyaya? * 
* KIL, R&D Division, 813, Phase-V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - (SNM, AKS)@kampsax.co.in 
® KIL, Mapping Division, 809, Phase-V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana, India- 
PS ICWG IL/IV: Automated Geo-Spatial Data Production and Updating 
KEY WORDS: PAI, New mapping, Updation, Transformations, Geometric fidelity 
Kampsax India Private Limited (KIL) is engaged in the production of very large mapping projects from all over the world though 
mainly from Europe and Latin America with over 35 digital Photogrammetric instruments working round the clock. There is always 
endeavour for finding new technical solutions for large volume production with high quality. KIL mainly undertakes 
photogrammetric projects involving Aerial Triangulation (AT), Digital Terrain Model (DTM), Orthophoto Production, 3D Vector 
Mapping (New Mapping/updation) and 2D Mapping (based on Orthophoto for updation and positional accuracy improvement). Two 
of the projects involved the use of old data sets for new mapping/updation and positional accuracy improvement (PAI), where the 
old vector data required to be updated and positional accuracy improved using latest Orthophoto. Another project required 3 
dimensional new vector mapping with tiff raster files of old maps only as a guide. The accuracy requirement for these projects is of 
the order of about 1.25mt in planimetry and height. The projects required establishment of new database while maintaining absolute 
accuracy, relative accuracy and geometric fidelity. This paper demonstrates the development of semi-automatic method to improve 
the positional accuracy of old vector data maintaining the absolute and relative accuracy as well as geometric fidelity. The PAI 
(Positional Accuracy Improvement) apply special transformation to match with the raster image. PAI makes use of special 
transformation on old data with a constrained situation in order to achieve perfect matching of vector data with raster image. 
Geometric contraction, expansion, dilation, similarity transformations, spiral similarities, rotation and translation all affine 
transformations or their combinations are included in this process. The production workflow involves the tiff files of old maps 
digitized in 2D, locally transformed and merged with TIN data of automatically generated DTM (Digital Terrain Model) to create 
3D vector data. The 3D vector data thus generated is made use for preparing updated new map database. The concept of positional 
accuracy improvement is further developed for use in 3 dimensions. These methods have changed the notion that old vector data 
cannot be used for new mapping/updation. This potential application makes use of any existing maps digital/paper for subsequent 
new mapping and updation. 
Mapping, Orthophoto, production using Analogue/Digital Aerial 
Images, Satellite Images and Laser Scanned data. 
1.1 General Introduction 
Decision-making demands timely up-to-date information. All 
over the world the maintenance of  Geo-spatial data 
infrastructure is gaining attention and significant proportion of 
annual running costs of the organizations responsible is used for 
maintaining such data. Whatever the methodology to be adopted 
for maintenance for such data, it is always desirable to make use 
of the existing data sets. The available data sets may be in the 
form of existing digital vector database or the paper maps. 
Kampsax India Private Ltd is actively engaged in the production 
and maintenance of such geo-spatial databases for different 
organizations world over. With 35 Digital Photogrammetric 
Workstations in production round the clock, it is one of the 
largest photogrammetric production organization offering large 
volume production with high quality for Aerial Triangulation, 
Digital Terrain Modelling, Digital and Analytical Vector 
1.2 Detail Introduction 
The paper deals with generation of updated and more accurate 
digital vector database starting from the existing data source. 
The updation of database can be considered for generation of 
2/3 Dimensional vector data. In case of 2D vector data the 
updation and positional accuracy improvement may be carried 
out using latest orthophoto while for creation of updated 3D 
vector data latest stereo aerial photographs are used. 
In one of the project handled at Kampsax India (P) Limited, the 
existing vector data required positional accuracy improvement 
and updation. The fresh aerial photographs are obtained. The 
required ground control for carrying out Aerial Triangulation 
(AT) is provided as field input. The digital terrain models are 
produced for obtaining orthophotos. The orthophotos thus 
The authors are presently working with Kampsax India Private Limited, Gurgaon, Haryana, India and are engaged in 
Photogrammetric Mapping of International Projects at one of the biggest Photogrammetric Production Centre of India. Use 
appropriate person in cases with more than one author. 

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