Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Noise reduction and type of filters used are very important in 
pre-processing step. Original image could be adequately 
enhanced by filtering images, but in such way to not disturb 
information of original aerial image. Method which has been 
tested is shown on fig. 2. 
original images 
filtering |g choise of 
a filter 
filtered image 
choise of the 
> result image 
Fig. 2. Scheme of method of image enhancement in spatial 
Usage of addition operation for two images allows to eliminate 
weaknesses on original image and to bring out details 
simultaneously. Addition of images is made by summing of 
optical density values of adequate pixels of each image, and 
than conducting normalization. 
The other method of filtration used in object space was adaptive 
filtering. The result of this transformation may be used directly 
to further digital photogrammetric process. : 
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Fig. 3. A part of aerial image, on left - original image, on 
right - filtered with adaptive filter 
2.2. Filtering in frequency domain 
Filtering in frequency domain allows eliminate noise and 
regular errors on digital data. 
Aerial images filtering in frequency space do not suit to further 
using in automatic aerial triangulation process. This possibility 
exists indirectly as only adequate association filtered image with 
original one gives an effect that is going to be used in further 
photogrammetric process. Elaborated and tested method is 
shown on fig. 4. 
original image 
filtering |< choise of 
a filter 
filtered image 
choise of the 
result image 
Fig.4. Scheme of the method of image enhancement in 
frequency space 
The example of such association may be a picture arisen in the 
result of multiplication of an original image with an image 
filtered with bandpass filter in Fourier space or enhancement 
(by addition in spatial domain) of an original image with an 
image filtered by highpass filter in Fourier space. On the figure 
6 presenting detail of terrain is shown. We can see sharp 
enhancement of edges without loosing of any information from 
the original image. 

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