ranbul 2004
D. Skarlatos *, A. Georgopoulos
NTUA, School of Surveying, Laboratory of Photogrammtry, 9 Iroon Polytexniou, Athens 15780, Greece,
Commission ITI
KEY WORDS: Automation, correction, quality, orthorectification, DEM/DTM, reference data, algorithms, geometric.
The need for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) checking has raised since the automated matching techniques emerged. The use of
reference data is a luxury and therefore cannot be used in all cases. This article presents a completely new mathematical model,
which translates discrepancies between two orthophotographs created from different photographs, into precise corrections of the
DEM. These corrections are the differences from the real surface and, if applied over the existing DEM, can produce a more accurate
one. The mathematical model is straightforward, does not approximate, and therefore there is no need for iterations.
In order to test the algorithm a reference DEM has been manually collected and distorted with a known pattern. The corrections
produced by the algorithm follow the known pattern. Tests over automatically created DEMs by commercial software has also been
made and compared against the reference DTM. Obvious applications include checking of automatically created DEMs, refinement
of existing DEMs using aerial photographs and update of orthophotographs based on the previous DEM and new imagery.
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are currently the
bottleneck of the photogrammetric workflow. Automation of
aerial triangulation (using GPS, INS and proper software) and
orthophotograph creation (automatic mosaicing) has stressed
the problem. The need for orthophotomaps, which are
becoming a standard and therefore the need for DEMs, city
models and telecommunication industry expansion are
stressing the demand of large updated and accurate DEMs.
On the other hand close range projects for the production of
point clouds around objects are becoming more and more
attractive to a wide range of customers.
Manual collection of points is laborious and extremely slow.
Digital stereoplotters are becoming cheaper than the past, but
are still expensive hence usually operators work in shifts.
Automated matching methods seem to be a solution, but
proved valid only for small scales, and there is always the
need for corrections, or at least visual checking, which means
valuable streoplotter time (ISM, 1998). A completely
automated method, which could work unsupervised 24 hours
à day, in a simple computer is very attractive. So the main
problem is how to check and correct the automatically
created DEM, without human intervention. The same
problem also holds for large national organisations, which
must check subcontractors and delivered DEMs.
A new matching algorithm is being developed in the
Laboratory of Photogrammetry in National Technical
University of Athens (NTUA). During its last stages, where
tuning and final adjustments are necessary, the urge of
checking the results upon different objects in different scales
became evident. Manual collection of a reference DEM is the
most reliable and obvious solution. for comparison, but if a
number of models are under investigation then it becomes
impractical and time consuming.
A simple solution for checking could be the use of internal
Statistics, which provide a measure of precision but not a
measure of accuracy (Zhilin, 1993a; Zhilin, 1988), was
Simple overlay of the two orthophotographs and subtraction
of the grey level values provides a coarse measure for spatial
distribution of errors, but not their exact magnitude.
Therefore this was also rejected.
Norvelle (1994; 1996) has introduced Interative Orthophoto
Refinment (IOR), a method where the discrepancies between
two orthophotographs created with the same DEM but from
different aerial photographs, were translated in height
displacement and used to correct the initial DEM. Although
theoretically the orthophotograph should be independent
from the initial photograph, in practice orthophotographs
created from different photographs differ slightly. The
mathematical model of the corrections was simple and
approximate. Height correction was calculated using the
approximate formula:
dh 2 dx — (1)
where dh = height correction
dx = the x difference (in ground units)
between orthophotographs created [rom the
left and the right photographs of a pair
B = base
H - flying height.
Although the formula was approximate, a couple iterations
produced promising results. Since 1996, there wasn't any
other report on this subject that the authors are aware of. The
idea of using the discrepancies between two
orthophotographs to correct the underlying DEM has a strong
geometric background and seemed attractive to the authórs,
who decided to investigate further and work out a precise
mathematical model for the height error in any given position
using orthophotographs created from left and right
photographs of a pair (from now on referred freely as left and
right orthophotographs).
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