Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
4.3.2 Geomatica 8.2 with OrthoEngien 
OrthoEngine allows work with specific modules for a wide set 
of spatial data, including ASTER and SPOT. The DEM may be 
generated onlv as an uniform regular grid, URG. 
44 DEM generation: extraction of elevations 
The automatic extraction of DEM is facilitated if the specific 
sensor model information is available. The work flow to 
generate each DEM is shown in Figure 2. 
In order to guarantee the best possible DEM that can provide 
TERRA-ASTER images, we have analyzed the influence of 
some aspects, such as number and spatial distribution of GCP, 
the data structure (TIN or URG), and the sample interval; 
depending on the software used, the algorithms and correlation 
coefficient threshold can also be tested. 
We have conducted several experiments to determine the 
optimal value of influential aspects like number and 
distribution of control points; data structure (TIN or URG); 
size of grid; and dependind on the software used the algorithms 
and correlation coeficient. Finaly, we constructed fifty five 
ASTER derived DEM (see Table 2). 
N° of N° of 
DEM by DEM by 
OrthoBase OrthoEngine 
; Variable : 
Test Range of values 
OrthoBase: 5...15 
l 7 im 11 8 
OrthoEngine: 10...16 
2 of Cp 4 distributions 4 
a b ] | 
3 det TIN */ URG* 
structure (only TIN) (only URG) 
OB: 100. 80. 60, 40, 20, 
4 size ofgrid 15, 10m 7 4 
OF: 120.60, 30, 15m 
algorithm on ; 
se OrthoBasc: diferent size ^ 
5 of T 13 
: of windows [^ 
6 of OrthoBase: 0.6 ...0.95 8 =. 
43 12 
DEMs generated: 55 
Internal Orientation (10) 
External Orientation (EC 
Ground control 
points (GCF) 
Automatic extraction of 
elevations (DEM) 
* 3 
Accuracy and 
quality control 
Acccuracy statistics 
SD and reliability 
Check points— 
Figure 2. Common work flow of DEM generation. 
* Control Points. 
? Triangulated Irregular Network. 
* Uniform Regular Grid. 
Table 2. Experimental Tests with ASTER images. 
4.5 Accuracy and realibility 
DEM accuracy is estimated by a comparison with DEM Z- 
values, and by contrasting many check points with “true” 
elevations. The pairwise comparisons allow the calculation of 
the Mean Error (ME), Root Mean Squere Error (RMSE), 
Standard Deviation (SD) or similar statistics. 
It's obvious that reliability in the process is not a constant but 
depends on several factors. The number of chek points is an 
important factor in reliability because it conditions the range of 
stochastic variations on the SD values (Li, 1991). Another 
factor is obvious: The accuracy of check points must be 
sufficient for the control objectives. 
The estimate of errors in DEM is usually made by following the 
USGS recommendation of a minimum of 28 check points (U.S. 
Geological Survey, 1997). Li (1991) showed, however, that 
many more points are needed to achieve a reliability closer to 
what is accepted in most statistical tests. The expression that 
relates reliability to number of check points is: 
x 100% 
2(n —1) 
<Equation 1> 
Rte) = 
where R(e) represents the confidence value in % and n is the 
number of check points used in the accuracy test. As an inverse 
example, if we wish to obtain a SD confidence value of 5%, we 
need about one hundred check points. If we used 28 check 
points, we would reach a 20% confidence value. 
Therefore, the number of check points must guarantee stability 
in error estimates. Revised research is rather heterogeneous 
regarding number and accuracy of check points, and no author 
has verified reliability in of these results. 

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