Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
knowledge to be able to interpret the appropriate meaning of an 
object(Bishr, 1998). This is known as data/knowledge packets that 
allow both knowledge and data to be represented in a unified 
model (Doyle and Kerschberg, 1991). A data/knowledge packet 
could look like this 
ChangeClass C 
Rules! IF—THEN expression 
A object set can contains n objects (n>=0), firstly we classify 
change by comparison the cardinality of ObjectSetb and 
ObjectSeta there are 6 types of change: 0 to 1 (there is zero object 
in ObjectSetb, there is only one object in ObjectSeta); 1 to 0; 1 to 
l; 1ton;nto 1; n to m. 
The first three types of changes influence single geographical 
feature, the other influence several geographical features. We 
classify the spatio-temporal changes based on the following 
1)Levels of change 
Object component 
Component attribute 
2) factors related to change 
Object set and its attributes 
The relationship of objects in set 
Object components and their attributes 
3) Only focus on single change 
4) change impact on simple object. 
Change has three levels, i.e. change about object, change about 
object component, change about component attribute. For 
example, disappearance is the object change, distortion is change 
about object component and component attribute. We take into 
account four factors that are used to identify changes, they have 
hierarchy relationship, object set contains object, object is 
composed of components, and component is described by 
attributes. By these hierarchy factors, we can shorten the 
identifying process of changes. For example , if we identify the 
disappearance of an object, it is dispensable to judge whether the 
shape of the object changed. Here, we only focus on the changes 
affecting simple objects not include changes affecting complex 
objects. We only define the single change and not consider the 
multiple changes. For example, an object changes its shape, its 
area may change. We can determine the object has two types of 
change, distortion and area change. We don’t make up a complex 
change by the two simple changes. 
4.3 Classification and Representation of changes impact on a 
single object 
We regard object set, attributes of object set, object, object 
component and attributes of components as the factors to identify 
spatio-temporal changes. By comparing the value before change 
and that of after change of the same factor, we give the taxonomy 
of the spatio-temporal changes impact on a single geographical 
object. There are many expressions used in the description of 
changes(as show in table 1). Here, we detailedly explain the 
function of semantic component of a geographical object. Given a 
scenario of the change of a geographical object, if the value of the 
semantic component of the object has not changed, we can 
announce the object is the same object. 
Table 1 expression and their meanings 
Now , we use the data/knowledge packets to describe changes. 
Table 2 gives the taxonomy of spatio-temporal changes related 
to a single geographical object. The taxonomy has hierarchy. 
These changes are basic. In the real world, a geographical feature 
may have several changes at the same time. By combining these 
basic changes, we can model scenarios of the real world changes. 
Expression meanings Expression meanings 
ObjectSet Object Set Position(OO) Position 
ONum(Object | Cardinality Direction(OO) Direction 
Set) of set 
O Geographic GType(OG) Geometry 
al object type 
Os Semantic Length(OG) Length of 
component line object 
OO Orientation Area(OG) Area of 
component area object 
OG Geometric | Numltems(OA) | Number of 
component attributes 
OA Thematic ItemVal(OA;) Value of 
component attribute A; 
OR Topology Xp The state 
component before 
oT Temporal X, The state 
component after 
change | 
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