Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

tanbul 2004 ; : : E 
— International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
wo types of S ; ; 
yp Table 2 the taxonomy of spatio-temporal changes impact on a geographical object 
p a complex 
Name of change data Rules 
Appearance ObjectSet, =@ IF ObjectSet, =p AND ObjectSet, ={O ,} 
impact on a ObjectSet, ={0 ,} 
Disappearance ObjectSet, #{O, } IF ObjectSet, #{O ,} AND ObjectSet, = 
ject, object ObjectSet, =@ : 
s to identify Stability ObjectSety-(O,) IF ObjectSet, ObjectSet, 
fore change ObjectSet,-(O ,} 
e taxonomy Mutation ObjectSet,-(O,) IF O, ZO, AND OS,#0S, | 
eographical ObjectSet,#{0 2} 
scription of Change of themantic ObjectSet,={0y} IF Oy #0, AND 0S,=0S, AND OA ,#0A, THEN 
explain the attribute ObjectSet,={0 ,} IF Numltems(OA ,)> NumlItems(OA a) THEN Number of attributes decreases 
ct. Given a IF Numltems(OA ,)< Numltems(OA ,) THEN Number of attributes increases 
value of the IF Numltems(OA ,)- NumItems(OA ,) THEN 
d, we can IF ItemVal(OA ;,)» ItemVal(OA;,) THEN Value of an attribute minishes 
IF ItemVal(OA ;,)» ItemVal(OA ;,) THEN Value of an attribute goes up 
IF ItemVal(OA ; ,)£ltemVal(OA ;,) THEN Value of an attribute alters. 
Change of ObjectSety-[O,) IF Oy ZO, AND OS,=0S, AND OO,#00, THEN 
meanings orientation ObjectSet, {O0 ,} IF Position(OO,) # Position(OO,) THEN object moves 
Position IF Direction(OO,)ZDirection (OO,)THEN object rotates 
Direction Change of ObjectSety={O,} IF O, ZO, AND OS,2O0S, THEN 
geometry ObjectSet, {0 ,} IF GType(OG)=POLYGON AND OG ,#0G , THEN 
Geometry IF Area(OG ,)= Area(OG ,) THEN Area object deforms 
type IF Area(OG ,)> Area(OG ,) THEN Area object contracts 
IF Area(OG ,)« Area(OG ,) THEN Area object expanses 
IF Length(OG ,)=Length(OG ,) THEN Line object deforms 
IF Length(OG ,)»Length(OG ,) THEN Line object shortens 
IF Length(OG ,)«Length(OG ,) THEN Line object extends 
Length of 
line object 
Area of 
area object 
Number of 
Value of 4.4 Classification and Representation of changes impact on three catalogs of change: 1:n, n:1 and n:m. Here, we only take into 
attribute A many objects account the first two catalogs. Table 3 gives the taxonomy of 
spatio-temporal changes impact on many geographical objects. 
The state ; T 
Many complex scenarios of change involve several objects. They 
before have impact on the result of the changes. In this case, there are 
_ change | Table 3 the taxonomy of spatio-temporal changes impact on many geographical objects 
The state Name of data Rules | 
after change 
change spawn  ObiectSete -(0, IF Op # Oia (for V Oja (IZisn) | THEN 
changes. ObjectSet, IF there is only one Oia (1Sin) Osp=OS;a THEN Of, spawns new objects. 
es related Lu 2104.05 0 
nierarchy. fission ObjectSet, ={O,} IF Op * Oia { for V Oja (1512 n) THEN 
al feature ObjectSet, IF OSp # OSja { for kA Ot ISiSn) THEN Op fissions into several objects. 
ing these SiO, n su! | 
[s —— 

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