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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
Based on the change impact on the component, we propose the
taxonomy of change impact on the geographical object.
The definition and classification of change is a people's cognitive
process. People's cognitive knowledge is important to this process.
So we propose a model to represent the change based on the
data/knowledge packets. A packet contains three basic elements,
change name, objects affected by the change, cognitive
knowledge. Cognitive knowledge is formalized by a series of
rules. À change influences the states of one or many objects.
Before change, there is a set of object related to the change. After
change, there is another set of object resulted from the change.
Object set contains many objects, object is composed of
components, and component is described by many attributes.
Based on this idea, we explicitly describe all kinds of
spatio-temporal changes. The example indicates this way is more
self-contained and suitable for automatic disposal in computer.
The expression for every change clearly describes the people's
cognitive process.
There are several areas for further research in this context. We
only focus on single change and change impact on the simple
object. The change of complex object and complex change is not
considered in the research. Here, we only give 4 kinds of change
impact on many objects. We need to analyze other kinds of
change impact on many objects.
This work was supported by the National 863 Project of China.
under grant No.002AA 131040.
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