Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
camera calibration, image matching, surface reconstruction, 
image-to-image registration, and absolute orientation). For 
example, straight-line segments from existing GIS databases 
can be used to estimate the EOP of a single image (SPR). Such 
integration of object space vector data with aerial imagery 
would allow for detecting changes and updating applications. 
Straight lines can be also used either as control or tie features in 
photogrammetric triangulation procedures involving frame or 
linear array scanners. For frame cameras, the straight-lines will 
allow for the recovery of the IOP of the implemented camera. In 
addition, straight-lines will lead to a reliable recovery of the 
EOP associated with scenes captured by linear array scanners. 
In addition, linear features offer a significant advantage in 
solving image matching and surface reconstruction problems, 
especially when dealing with large-scale imagery over urban 
Finally, we outlined a methodology for incorporating linear 
features in image-to-image and surface-to-surface registration 
tasks. Such a methodology is valuable for registering multi- 
source imagery with varying geometric and radiometric 
resolutions. Moreover, it can be used as a tool for utilizing 
LIDAR surfaces as control information for photogrammetric 
triangulation and the calibration of LIDAR/photogrammetric 
Future research will concentrate on automatic extraction of 
linear features from imagery. Incorporating linear features in 
approximate sensor models, such as rational functions, direct 
linear transformation and parallel projection models, will also 
be investigated. Finally, future work will focus on incorporating 
linear features in surface reconstruction, object recognition, 
change detection, and map updating activities. 
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Features in Photogrammetry, Department of Civil and 
Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, The Ohio 
State University. Departmental Report # 451. 
Habib, A., 2000. Matching Road Edges in Stereo-Image 
Proceedings of 
Sequences Using Data Association Techniques, Journal of 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 66(1): 91-98. 
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of Large Scale Imagery over Urban Areas Using Modified 
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Journal of 
Habib, A., Y. Lee, and M. Morgan, 2001a. Bundle Adjustment 
with Self-Calibration of Line Cameras Using Straight Lines, 
Joint Workshop of ISPRS WG 1/2. I/S and IV/7: High Resolution 
Mapping from Space, University of Hanover. 
Habib, A., Y. Lee and M. Morgan, 2001b. Surface Matching 
and Change Detection using a Modified Hough Transformation 
for Robust Parameter Estimation, Journal of Photogrammetric 
Record, 17(98): 303-315. 
Habib, A. and M. Morgan, 2002. Automatic Approach for 
Calibrating Off-The-Shelf Digital Cameras, /SPRS Commission 
I Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA. 
Habib, A., M. Morgan, and Y. Lee, 2002. Bundle Adjustment 
with  Self-Calibration using Straight Lines, Journal of 
Photogrammetric Record, 17(100): 635-650. 
Habib, A. and M. Morgan, 2003. Automatic Calibration of Low 
Cost Digital Cameras, SP/E Journal of Optical Engineering, 
42(4): 948-955. 
Habib, A., Y. Lee, and M. Morgan, 2003a. Automatic Matching 
and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Free-Form Linear 
Features from Stereo Images. Journal of Photogrammetric 
Engineering & Remote Sensing, 69(2):189-197. 
Habib, A., H. Lin, and M. Morgan, 2003b. Autonomous Space 
Resection using Point- and Line-Based Representation of Free- 
Form Control Linear Features, Journal of Photogrammetric 
Record, 18 (103): 244-258. 
Habib, A., H. Lin, and M. Morgan, 2003c. Line-Based Modified 
Iterated Hough Transform for Autonomous Single Photo 
Resection, Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote 
Sensing, 69(12): 1351-1358. 
Habib A, M. Ghanma, and R. Al-Ruzouq, 2004. 
Photogrammetric and LIDAR Surface-to-Surface Registration 
Using Linear Features, Accepted for Publication in the Journal 
of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 
Habib, A. and R. Al-Ruzouq, 2004. Line-based modified 
iterated Hough transform for automatic registration of multi- 
source imagery, Journal of Photogrammetric Record,19(105): 
Heuvel, F., 2000. Line-photogrammetry and its application for 
reconstruction from a single image, Jahrestagung der DGPF, 
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Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, Vol. 8, 255-263. 
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Smith, M., and D. Park, 2000. Absolute and exterior orientation 
using linear features, International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 33(B3): 

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